FAR - Governmental Accounting Part 2 Flashcards
What is the component test for a government entity?
To determine whether the governmental unit can be discrete (as opposed to blended), it must contain all the following characteristics:
- Separately
- Elected governing body
- Legally separate entity
- Financially independent status
think of the self acronym “SELF”
What should be included in the intro section of a government’s comprehensive annual financial report
- letter of transmittal
- organization chart
- list of principal officers
What is the required presentation of government reporting standards for basic financial statements and required supplementary information?
- Required Supplementary Information includes MD&A and support schedules (i.e. combining financial statements by fund type and budget vs actual presentations)
- Basic financial statements are defined as government wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements.
* MD&A comes before the financials
What are the three standard sections of a governmental comprehensive annual financial report?
- Introductory
2 Financial (includes both basic financial statements an d required supplementary information - Statistical
What approach is used to present the government wide and fund financial statements and reconciliation?
the integrated approach
What is the basic criteria for determining the reporting entity of a governmental unit?
financial accountability
What are the sections of the statement of cash flows? ?
- Operating activities
- capital and related financing activities
- non capital financing activities
- investing activities
**investing comes after financing
Does government accounting require the indirect or direct method for statement of cash flows?
government accounting requires the direct. however, they require a reconciliation of operating income (not net income) to net cash provided by operations
Fund financial statements are presented by major fund rather than fund type. What criteria does a major fund meet in order to be presented?
10 percent test -10% or more of the corresponding total revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets and deferred outflows of resources, or liabilities and deferred inflows of all government funds OR all enterprise funds
5 percent test - 5% or more of the corresponding total revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets and deferred outflows of resources, or liabilities and deferred inflows of all government funds AND all enterprise funds
What is the difference between Capital and Related Financing Activities and Noncapital Financing Activities?
Capital and Related Financing Activities: issuing debt associated with capital assets; inflows from capital grants; activity related to special assessments associated with capital assets
Noncapital Financing Activities: issuing debt for noncapital purposes (including interest expense); grants or subsidies; cash received from property taxes (not restricted for capital use); operating transfers
How are the following reported in the cash flow statement:
- Interest income
- Interest Expense
- Capital asset purchase
- Interest income is an investing activity (not operating activities)
- Interest expense is NOT operating. It is either Capital and related or noncapital financing
- Capital Asset purchase is a financing activity (not investing)
What is the journal entry to record a PO for supplies?
dr encumbrance and cr budgetary control
What is considered the “equity section” of a governmental fund?
the “equity” section is called the FUND balance and is made up of the following:
- Nonspendable fund balance - current assets that cannot be spent (inventory, prepaid expenditures)
- Restricted fund balance - restricted to be spend by external authorities (legislation, grantors, creditors, other govt)
- Committed fund balance - restricted to be spent by highest level of gov’t
- Assigned fund balance - assets that the gov’t plans to obligate/designate (must have a positive fund balance)
- Unassigned fund balance - resources that do not meet the above categories. only general fund has a positive unassigned fund balance (other gov’t type funds are negative)
use the acronym “NU CAR” to remember
How should a transfer received by a gov’t type fund be reported in the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance?
Other Financing Source
How to calculate amounts available for use?
Budget Appropriations - expenditures - encumbrances = funds available to use