FAR - F9: Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations Flashcards
Answer: What amount should Nox report as the change in net position for governmental activities?
Answer: The reconciliation of the change in fund balancee in governmental fund financial statements to the change in net position for governmental activities in the govenment-wide financials is computed using the GOES BARE.
G - Change in Governmental Fund Balance: $25,000
O - Other Financing Sources: 0
E- Expenditure Capital Outlay: 0
S - Inter Service Fun Net Income = $,000
Change in Net Position in Government-wide financial statements; $34,000
Question: Citizens of the city of Reformville can expect to find the following items in their basic financial statements reported in accordance with GASB #34.
Answer: Government-wide Financial statements, Fund Financial Statements, and Notes to the Financial Statements.
Question: In applying the criteria used for determination of major funds required for reporting in a government’s fund financial statements, a government would consider which of the following statistics?
Aggregate Revenue or Expenditures/Expenses - YES
Aggregate Assets or Liabilities - Yes
Aggregate Fund Balance/Equity - NO
**Rule: the criteria for determining major funds includes qualification as to revenue, expenditures/expenses, assets or liabilities that are at lease 10% of the associated total for ALL governmental OR enterprise AND at lease 5% of the total of the associated totals for ALL governmental AND enterprise funds.
Question: What amount of change in temporarily restricted net assets should the organization report?
unrestricted - Temp/Res - Per/res - total -------------------- --------------- ------------ --------- Invest inc 30,000 30,000 Release res 30,000 (30,000) 0 Expenses (45,000) 0 (45,000) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal (15,000) 0 (15,000)
Losses (60,000) (60,000)
Beg./Year 500,000 500,000
End/Year (75,000) 0 500,000 425,000
Answer: 0
Rule: Generally, losses on the investments of a donor-restricted endowment fund (permanently restricted net assets for external reporting purposes) serve to reduce temporarily restricted net assets to the extent that donor-imposed temporary restrictions on net appreciation (cumulative losses minus gains) of the fund have been met before the loss occurs.
**The change in temporarily restricted net assets is comprised of the increase in temporarily restricted net assets related to investment earnings and the amounts released from temporary restrictions.
Question: Hann School, a nongovernmental not-for-profit organization, spent $1 million of temporarily restricted cash to acquire land and building.
How should this be reported in the statement of activities?
Answer: Increase in unrestricted net assets.
**When a temporary restriction is satisfied, a reclassification is shown on the statement of activities by decreasing temporarily restricted net assets and increasing unrestricted net assets.
**Since the donor restricted contribution funds a capital asset, the increase in unrestricted net assets is not reduced by an expense.
**Revenue and expense in the period received and used a fair value.
**This is never happen in Commercial accounting.
Rule: The simultaneous receipt and use of utilities is a form of contributed assets and not services.
**The foundation would recognize the fair value of the contributed electricity as both revenue and expense in the period it is received.
**Multiyear pledges are recorded at their net present value at the date the pledge is made.
Thus, multiyear pledges should be discounted.