Fans Flashcards
- the conversion of static pressure to velocity pressure by gradually decreasing the cross-sectional area of a duct
- static pressure decreases, velocity pressure increases - think about what’s happening back in the system and the pressure build up!
Static pressure
-the pressure air exerts on the inside of the duct walls or piping and is what overcomes the resistance of the ducts, fuels beds, filters and grates.
Velocity pressure
- the pressure over and above static pressure
- caused by the impact of air flowing through a duct and is felt only by the surfaces that the air actually strikes
Total Pressure
- simply adding static pressure to velocity pressure
- it will never change, but velocity pressure and static can alter
Purpose of fan casing
-to collect air leaving the impeller wheel and change the velocity head (velocity pressure) into pressure head (static pressure)
Axial flow fans
-propeller, tube axis, vane axis
Propeller fan
- a unit that uses a propeller which is directly or indirectly driven
- motor may rotate in both directions for reverse flow
- very little pressure
- used for air-cooled condensers, unit heaters, exhaust fans for ventilation
Tube axial fan
- a heavier duty propeller fan that can be mounted as a unit within ducting
- cause discharge air to swirl in the ducting, losing energy to friction
- a channel (baffle) can be mounted on the discharge in order to cut down on the swirling
- used for industrial, transportation, and marine where it can be loud
Vane axial fans
- a tube axial fan equipped with outlet end guide vanes located behind the impeller.
- the vanes eliminate most of the airflow swirl
- guide vanes reduce internal friction and turbulence
- overhead crawl spaces
Outlet damper controls
Variable inlet vane controls
Three styles of centrifugal fan blades
-straight radial, forward curved and backward inclined (most efficient because they use less HP)
Straight radial fan blade
- the conversion of velocity pressure to static pressure by increasing the cross-sectional are of a duct
- velocity pressure decreases, static pressure increases
Forward curved fan blade
Backward Inclined
Region of instability
-fan trying to find its sweet spot. While doing that it’s hunting and surging
Cooling towers
-forced draft on the bottom, induced draft on the bottom
Mechanical draft
- induced draft (pulls air out) most service required
- forced draft (pushes air in)
- balanced draft (has both)
Righting the curve
Back pressure
-the static air