Electrical Principals Flashcards
Electromotive force - the voltage developed by any source of electric energy
Conductor, Insulotor, semi-conductor
conductor -materials that exhibit low resistance to current flow like silver, copper, gold, aluminum Insulator -materials that exhibit high resistance like glass, mica, dry woods and plastics Semiconductor -neither good nor bad conductor (silicon and germanium. By contaminating/doping a semi conductor you can increase its conductivity.
-fundamental force of nature which consists of electricity and magnetism -the interactive relationship between electric charge and magnetic flux
Electric charge
-the force protons and electrons exert
Principles of electromagnetism
-moving electrically charged particles create magnetic fields -magnetic fields attract or repel moving charged particles -moving magnetic fields near charged particles causes current flow
-the difficulty to pass an electric current through a conductor
Current Flow
When electric charges move through a conductor
-basically electrical pressure (similar to hydraulic pressure) -for electric current to flow there must be a difference between two points of the supplying device -a one volt potential difference causes one ampere of current to flow through a resistance of one ohm. Symbol used in math is “E”. -the potential difference between the positive and negative terminals of a battery causes current flow
-rate of flow of electrons (current flow) in an electrical circuit -one amp flows when an EMF of one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm. Symbol in math is “I”. Induced or force -compatible to rate of flow in hydraulics -measured in current flow
-the number of cycles an alternating current generates per second -standard power line frequency is 60 cycles per second or 60 hertz
-unit of frequency which is one cycle per second -number of times the current is refreshed (turned on/off) per second
Electric Current
-direct current - the flow of free electrons in the conductors of the circuit all flowing the same direction
Direct current has fixed polarity
-alternating current is when the flow changes direction continuously and regularity.
Direct Current Uses
-charging rechargeable batteries -operating electronic equipment -operating dc motors -welders -industrial electromagnets
-direction of current flow -when the direction stays in the same direction it is fixed polarity as it is with direct current - it can be positive or negative -when it changes constantly as it does with alternating current it is called instantaneous polarity
Direct Current Sources
-portable welders -car battery -solar energy cells
Electrical Circuits
-the path an electric current follows - there can be open circuits when the path is incomplete because the switch is open -there is a closed circuit which is a complete circuit where there is nothing preventing the current from flowing through the entire circuit
Phases of power sources
-single phase and three phase are most common -phase indicates the relationship in time (in degree of rotation) between current and voltage -power sources deal with either a single time frame for voltage or more than one time for more than one voltage
Single phase
-a single voltage (rising and falling potential) that creates a potential difference between two conductors
Series Circuits
- when they are connected end to end or in tandem
- total voltage in a series circuit must add up to each component connected in the series and all voltage is used up before it gets to the end of the line
- remember to think math when reading each question even if its not an equation cause the triangle help answers about voltages, etc…
Three Phase
-three different voltages that interact to produce potential differences between the three conductors that supply the three phase loads
- one amp per second flowing under the potential difference of one volt.
- 746 watts = 1hp
- watts = amps x volts
Watt’s Law Triangle
- “P” power in watts
- “I” current in amps
- “E” EMF or volts

Electrical Power
-can be transformed from potential energy to kinetic or electrical to mechanical -the rate of doing work measured in watts
Uses for alternating current
-power transmission and distribution -residential, commercial and industrial power