Family Studies ch 14: Family Abuse, Violence, and Other Health Issues Flashcards
Intimate Partner Abuseand Violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) occurs between two people in a close relationship. Includes three types of behavior Physical Sexual Emotional
The Prevalenceand Severity of IPV
Women are five times more likely to be abused by a partner than a man is. Almost 75% of all attacks by intimate partners are against women.
Each year, IPV results in an estimated 1200 deaths and 2 million injuries among women and 330 deaths and nearly 600,000 injuries against men.
Women are more likely to report serious psychological impacts as a result of IPV after an attack.
IPV is a leading cause of death for women ages 15-44 in the U.S
Characteristics of Abusive Households
drug abuse.
Women are much more likely to experience IPV then men. Men are more likely to use a deadly weapon in an attack on their significant other.
Age- younger rather than older people are more likely to be the victims and perpetrators of IPV
Race and ethnicity occurs across all groups
IPV is common across all class statuses, but it is most commonly reported in lower socioeconomic classes.
Marital Rape
Marital rape -Marital rape has been a crime in all states since 1993;estimated 25% of women nationwide have been raped by their spouses, yet they don’t often report it.
Women who have killed their abusers have been pardoned based on the battered-woman syndrome defense.
Why do women stay?
Walker theorized the cycle of violence results in
learned helplessness.
Some women stay out of hope that the abuser will change.
The women may have low self-esteem and feel incapable of helping herself and even her children.
Some women find the courage to leave when the violence spills over into the lives of their children.
Economic hardship and homelessness
Need for child support
Shame or guilt
Blaming themselves
Women who abuse men
In situational couple violence both the woman and the man are
Women aren’t always the only victims of IPV—it has negative effects for men, women, and children.
Child Maltreatment
Child maltreatment includes a broad range of behaviors that place a child at serious risk of physical harm.
Physical abuse sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect can all play a role in child abuse.
Prevalence and Characteristics of Child Maltreatment
Child maltreatment rates have dropped in the last decade, but there were still 794,000 confirmed cases in 2007.
Victims—although a child is often the victim of more than one kind of abuse, the most common form is neglect. Girls are slightly more likely than boys to be neglected.
About 80% of people who abuse children are parents and more than half of them are mothers. An additional 8% are relatives of the parents. Most states don’t have data on the relatives of the victims, so some data is incomplete.
Fatalities—homicide is the leading cause of death among infants, and the rates have doubled since 1970. Of the 1,760 children who died of abuse in 2007, 42% were younger than 1 year old and 76% were younger than 4 years old.
About 70% of child deaths are caused by one or both of the parents.
Sexual abuse and insect
90% are family members, friends of the family, and other people children know.
Children are too frightened to tell anyone, especially if the person who is abusing them is a family member.
Why do adults abuse children?
There are many reasons for child maltreatment—some are: substance abuse stress poverty partner abuse divorce a combination of factors
How abuse affects children
Children often suffer a variety of physiological, social, and emotional problems stemming from abuse of any kind, whether it be physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological.
Sibling Abuse:Hidden Victims
Physical and emotional abuse—a national study found that almost 30 percent of children ages 2 to 17 had been physically assaulted by a sister or brother at least once during the proceeding year.
In 24% of all cases, the assault was serious enough to call the police.
Some Common Formsof Sibling Abuse
name calling and ridicule degradation intimidation torturing or killing a pet destroying personal possessions Parents rarely take abuse between siblings calling and ridicule degradation intimidation torturing or killing a pet destroying personal possessions Parents rarely take abuse between siblings seriously.
Sexual Abuse by a Sibling
Perhaps the most insidious form of incest is the sexual abuse of a sibling. It is rarely an isolated event, it often goes on for years without being reported to any authority.
Often the sibling being abused is afraid of not being believed by parents or of being blamed.