Family Sociologists Flashcards
Fran Anseley
Women are takers of shit- Contrast of warm bath theory.
Young and Willmott
Families are becoming more symmetrical.
Conjugal roles
Friedrich Engels
Main role of the family is to pass down wealth and properly within the ruling class through inheritance- Marxist
Charles Murray
Benefits encourage young pregnancy and lone parent families.
Parsons- family functions
Primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personality’s
Elizabeth bott
Segregated and joint conjugal roles
Murdock 4 family functions
Reproduction, education, economic, sexual
Sue palmer
Childhood is toxic because of children technology and the amount of time they spend on iPad ect- however this can be privilege.
Dobash and dobash
Dark side of the family
1/3 women think it’s ok for husband to hit wives
Women work a double shift
Phillipe Aries
Children in the Middle Ages were seen as mini adults
Edward shorter
Children are at the heart of society. ( child centred society)
More expectations of house work from girls than boys.
Niel postman
Childhood is disappearing because of globalisation
Ann Oakley
March of progress critic (feminist)
Weeks et al
Joint bank accounts
Women look for the perfect relationship called pure relationship
Carol smart
Peoples control of their lives has increased
The longer the women are in full time employment the more house work husbands do
Women have more choice over family structure
McRobbie and garber
Bedroom culture
Hillman et al
Parents are more strict on girls then boys
Evan’s and chandler
Families have more disposable income
Chris jenks
Children are becoming more important then the marriage
Melience Phillips
Men without a farther figure are more violent
Pahl and vogler
Men give wife’s allowance systems