Family Planning Flashcards
Percentage of pregnancies that are unintended
49% (22% result in birth, 20% abortion, 7% fetal loss)
The 7% of women not using contraceptives account for 47% of unintended pregnancies
Consequences of unintended pregnancy
- inadequate prenatal care
- tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy
- low birth weight
- infant mortality
- child abuse
- insufficient resources for child development
Which hormone dominates in follicular phase? luteal phase?
Follicular phase: estrogen dominates (follicle grows, uterine lining grows–proliferative phase)
Luteal phase: progesterone dominates (corpus luteum, uterine lining matures (secretory phase) to allow for implantation)
Contraceptive methods for stopping sperm production
- male hormonal contraception
- vasectomy
Blocking entry of sperm into/past cervix
-Male barrier methods: male condom -Female barrier methods: female condom diaphragm cervical cap sponge \+/- spermicide -copper intrauterine device
Contraceptives that thicken cervical mucus
Progestin methods:
- pills (Micronor)
- depot medroxyprogesterone acetate(Depo-provera)
- implant (Implanon)
- progestin IUD
Female sterilization
ligate/occlude/remove fallopian tube
Removal = salpingectomy
Contraceptives that prevent ovulation
a.) Progestin alone
i. Progestin only pills Micronor®
ii. Depot medroxyprogesterone
acetate (Depo-provera®)
iii. Implant (Implanon®)
iv. Progestin IUD (Mirena®)
b) Estrogen & progestin
i. Oral contraceptive pills
ii. Transdermal patch
iii. Transvaginal ring
Natural family planning methods (and concerns)
- Billings ovulation method: recognize signs of fertility
- Symptothermal method: basal body temp rise after ovulation
- LH predictor kits
- sperm can last for 3-6 days
- variable cycles
- often retrospective
Methods that thin the endometrium
Progestin thins endometrium
Estrogen stabilizes endometrium= less bleeding
Pharm effects of progestins as contraceptives
-Inhibits ovulation by suppressing function of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis -Modifies mid-cycle surges of LH and FSH -Diminishes ovarian hormone production -Reduces activity of cilia -Produces endometrial changes unfavorable to embryo implantation -Thickens cervical mucus to impede sperm transit
MOA Progestin only pills
- inhibits ovulation
- atrophic endometrium
- thickens cervical mucus
(Plasma level drops by 24 hrs, thickened mucus lasts 27 hrs; woman at risk if miss pill by greater than 3 hrs)
MOA Depo Provera injection
inhibits ovulation
atrophic endometrium
thickens cervical mucus
(Same 3 actions for Levonorgestrel IUD, but mucus even more thick; and for Progestin only pills)
MOA progestin only implant
inhibits ovulation
atrophic endometrium
thickens cervical mucus
decreases tubal mobility
MOA Combined hormonal contraception (pill, patch, ring)
inhibits ovulation
decreased tubal motility
thickens mucus
MOA copper IUD
- creates inflammatory rxn in uterus
- copper acts as spermicide
What impacts failure rates?
lower failure rate = less user dependent From least to most failures: Levonergestrel IUD female sterilization Copper IUD injection oral contraceptive vaginal ring patch condom diaphragm fertility awareness spermicide no method
Effects of estrogen: contraceptive and noncontraceptive benefits
Contraceptive benefit
▪ Helps stabilize uterine lining- less breakthrough
▪ Added suppression of FSH- less follicle
Noncontraceptive benefits
▪ Reduces SHBG
so less male effects (i.e. acne)
▪ Reduces ovarian cancer, endometrial, colon cancer risks
Emergency contraception
-MOA is same as other methods, but higher dose: Disrupts follicular development ▪ Blocks LH surge ▪ Inhibits ovulation ▪ Disrupts luteal phase • Not the same as abortion pill (RU- 486/mifepristone)
- Yuzpe Method (Combined OCPs)
- Plan B: Levonorgesterol
- Copper IUD
- Ella (Ulipristal acetate= progesterone receptor modulator)