Family Members Flashcards
What are the words for father, mother and parents?
El padre, La madre y Los padres
What are the words for grandfather, grandmother and grandparents?
El abuelo, La abuela y Los abuelos
What are the words for great-grandfather, great-grandmother and great-grandparents?
El bisabuelo, La bisabuela y Los bisabuelos
What are the words for son, daughter and children?
El hijo, La hija y Los hijos
What are the words for grandson, granddaughter and grandchildren?
El nieto, La nieta y Los nietos
What are the words for uncle, aunt and uncles and aunt?
El tio, La tia y Los tios
What are the words for brother, sister and siblings?
El hermano, La hermana y Los hermanos
What are the words for cousin brother, cousin sister and
cousin siblings?
El primo, La prima y Los primos
What are the words for nephew, nieces and nephews and nieces?
El sobrino, La sobrina y Los sobrinos
What are the words for husband and wife?
Marido y Mujer