Family Medicine Clerkship - Brainscape Flash Cards - Cases 11-15
Case 11: Health maintenance visit for adult female
screening for: CVD (BP @ 18 y/o, lipids @ 45 y/o), breast CA, cervical CA, osteoporosis and domestic violence; also CRC, depression, addiction & immunizations as w/ men
Case 11: recommendations for mammo’s in low-risk women?
USPSTF: biennial (q2yrs) after age 50; ACS/AAFP/ACOG: q1-2 yrs 40-49 y/o, then annually 50+ y/o
Case 11: Which women should be offered BRCA screening?
Those at high risk defined as: i) two 1st degrees w/ br ca at least one @ < 50 y/o; OR ii) three 1st or 2nd degrees w/ breast ca dx’d @ any age; OR iii) breast+ovarian in 1st or 2nd degrees; OR iv) on 1st-degree w/ bilat; OR v) 2+ 1st/2nd degrees w/ ovarian; OR vi) h/o male relative w/ br ca
Case 11: Cervical cancer screening guidelines
In those w/o h/o prior abnl pap or other risk factors: pap q3yr 21-65 y/o OR pap + HPV screen q5yr 30-65 y/o
Case 11: Osteoporosis screening guidelines
Women 65+ w/ DEXA Q ?2 yrs
Case 11: bisphosphonates: indications, ADRs, drug examples & dosing schedule
indicated for prevention and tx; ADRs include esophagitis, gastritis and diff. swallowing, so stay standing 30 mins s/p dose; alendronate (daily or weekly), risedronate (daily or weekly), ibandronate (daily, weekly or MONTHLY), zoledronic acid (Q2 YEARS for tx, Q YEAR for prevent)
Case 12: define strain
stretching or tearing injury of a ligament
Case 12: define sprain
stretching or tearing injury of a muscle or tendon
Case 12: Grading of Ankle Sprains
Grade 1: stretching of ATFL (anterotalofibular ligament), no instability or fxn loss; Grade 2: partial tear of ATFL and stretching of CFL (calcanefibular ligament), more severe pain/swell/bruise, mild/mod instability, lost ROM and signif pain w/ weight bearing; Grade 3: complete tear of ATFL and CFL w/ partial tearing of PTFL, signif instability, decr ROM and inability to bear weight
Case 12: Ottawa Ankle rules
X-ray ankle when: pt unable to bear wt immediately or now OR bony tenderness of posterior edge or tip of distal 6 cm of either med or lat malleolus; X-ray FOOT if: bony tenderness over medial midfoot (navicular bone) OR lateral midfoot (base of 5th metatarsal) or unable to bear wt
Case 12: Ottawa Knee rules
Order knee xray in pts w/ knee injury when: i) >55 y/o; OR ii) isolated patella tenderness; OR iii) tenderness of fibular head; OR iv) inabiity to flex 90°; OR v) inability to bear weight for four steps immediately and in exam room (regardless of limping)
Case 12: P-R-I-C-E Mnemonic for MSK injuries
Protect (splint, cast), Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
Case 12: test for supraspinatus pathology?
Empty can test (remember against resistance!)
Case 12: test for infraspinatus/teres minor pathology?
external rotation against resistance
Case 12: test for subscapularis pathology?
internal rotation or lift-off test against resistance
Case 12: test for subacromial impingement of supraspinatus tendon?
Hawkins impingement - pain w/ int rotation when arm is flexed 90° and elbow flexed 90°