Family Medicine Clerkship - Brainscape Flash Cards - Cases 1-5
Case & Q
Case 1: General approach to a health maintenance exam?
1) immunize; 2) cancer screen; 3) CVD screen & prevention; 4) depression/EtOH/tobac/substance screen; 5) lifestyle counseling for: exercise, diet, safe sex and seat belt/DUI
Case 1: Age to start lipid screening?
men >35; women >45; those at risk >22
Case 1: who should get aaa screening?
men 65-75 y/o who have ever smoked
Case 1: When should you screen asx pts for DM?
when pt has h/o HTN or hyperlipidemia
Case 1: Age to start recommending colon CA screening?
Case 1: basic screening for CVD
1) lipids at appropriate ages (>35 for men, >45 for women, >20 for those at risk); 2) BP checks; 3) screen for obesity; 4) AAA screen if male 65-75 who has ever smoked
Case 1: Vaccines to verify/offer at adult preventive health visit?
Tdap (q10 yrs or 2yrs after last Td for aP protection); flu (qYr); varicella if never vaccinated/infected; HepA, if indicated; HepB, if indicated; pneumococcal, if indicated; meningococcal, if indicated
Case 1: Indications for Hep A vaccination?
IVDU, MSM, chronic liver dz, pts using blood products (esp. clotting factors), occupational risk, travel
Case 1: Indications for Hep B vaccination?
IVDU, MSM, chronic liver dz, pts using blood products (esp. clotting factors), occupational risk, dialysis pts, persons w/ multiple sex partners, recent h/o STD
Case 1: Indications for pneumococcal vaccination?
all adults 65+; also those with: immunodeficiency (esp asplenia) smokers; EtOHic; and pts w/ chronic dz (incl. DM, CV, pulm (incl asthma), renal or hepatic dzs)
Case 1: Indications for meningococcal vaccination?
crowded housing (dorm, military), complement deficiencies, asplenia, travel
Case 2: FEV1:FVC ratio in COPD pts
< 0.7 (nl > 0.7)
Case 2: Role of smoking cessation in COPD pt care?
slows decline but does not improve sx
Case 2: Staging of COPD
Stage 0 (“At risk”) - cough, sputum production w/ nl spiro; Stage I (Mild) - FEV1/FVC 80% of predicted +/- sx; Stage II (Moderate) - FEV1/FVC <30% of pred.
Case 2: Mgmt of Mild COPD (Stage I)
Short-acting bronchodilators PRN (e.g. albuterol and ipratropium)
Case 3: rod-shaped, rhomboid, weakly positive birefringence
pseduogout crystals (calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate)
Case 3: needle-like, strongly negative birefringence
gout crystals (monosodium urate)
Case 3: bipyramidal appearance of crystals w/ strongly positive birefringence; common in ESRD pts
calcium oxalate crystal-induced arthritis
Case 3: non-birefringent cytoplasmic inclusions seen on EM
calcium hydroxyapatite crystal-induced arthritis
Case 3: class of common meds that causes hyperuricemia
Case 3: WBC from joint aspirate of crystal-induced arthritis VS. septic joint
crystal-induced: 2k-60k w/ < 90% PMNs; septic: avg 100k (range 25k-250k) w/ > 90% PMNs
Case 3: gouty attack of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
Case 3: categories for ACR/EULAR R.A. dx criteria
1) synovitis in 1+ joint(s); 2) all other dx ruled out; 3) # & size of joints involved; 4) RF +/- anti-CCP serology; 5) acute-phase reactants; 6) sx duration 6+ weeks
Case 4: when is u/s indicated in prenatal care?
not mandatory in low-risk cases; indicated for: 1) uncertain gest age, 2) size/date discrepancies, 3) vaginal bleeding, 4) multiples and 5) other high-risk situations
Case 4: labs for initial prenatal visit?
CBC, HBsAg, HIV, RPR, UA & culture, rubella Ab, blood type/Rh, Pap smear, and swab for GC & chalmydia
Case 4: risk to pregnancy from dental x-rays?
no known risk; exposure must be > 5 rad (dental xray is 0.00017 rad; chest and extremity are well below 5, too)
Case 4: when is optimal time to screen expectant mothers w/ the trisomy screen test
Either: 1st tri w/ nuchal translucency on u/s +/- serum hCG & PAPP-A, OR 2nd tri w/ triple screen (AFP, hCG, estriol) or quadruple (above + inhibin-A); Newer research says do all of the above