Family Law Statute Flashcards
S54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
Requirements for surrogacy
S21 Family Law Reform Act
Courts will order a DNA test if it’s in the child’s best interest
Article 6 ECHR
Right to a fair trial within a reasonable time.
Article 8 ECHR
Right to private and family life.
Article 9 ECHR
Right to freedom of religion.
Article 14 ECHR
Right to freedom without discrimination.
Article 3 UNCRC
Welfare is a primary consideration, not the primary consideration.
S1 Children Act (1)
Welfare principle
S1 Children Act (2)
Presumption of involvement.
S1 Children Act (3)
Welfare checklist.
S1 Children Act (4)
Circumstances in which the welfare principle applies.
S1 Children Act (5)
The “no order” principle.
S2 Children Act
PR can be exercised unilaterally.
S3 Children Act
Definition of PR.
S4 Children Act
PR can be acquired through a court order.
S7 Children Act
S7 report.
S8 Children Act
Child arrangement orders, specific issues order and prohibited steps orders.
Section 11 Children Act
Activity directions
Section 14 Children Act
Special Guardianship
Section 17 Children Act
Services for children in need