Family Law and Conflict of Laws Flashcards
reqs for common law marriage
(1) agree they are married
(2) cohabit as spouses
(3) hold themselves out to the public as being married
Basis for void marriage
(1) Bigamy
(2) Incest
(3) Mental Incapacity (one of the parties does not understand the nature of marriage)
Basis for voidable marriage
- age
- impotence
- intoxication (at the time of marriage)
- fraud to the essentials of marriage (e.g. fake pregnancy)
- Misrepresentation, duress, force
- lack of intent to be married
Parties who have a good faith belief (honest, objective, and subjective belief) that they are legally married…
Putative Spouses - Parties who have a good faith belief (honest, objective, and subjective belief) that they are legally married will be protected as if they are actually legally married (e.g., bigamy situations).
Division of Assets
Community Property: 50/50
Marital Property: property acquired during marriage vs. brought into the marriage
Non-marital property at common law
(1) acquired before marriage
(2) property both parties agree non-marital
(3) gifts, devises
(4) property acquired after parties separate (so long as not fruits of labor prior to separation) (note: some JXs require legal separation)
Divorce Distribution: Professional Licenses and Education
-Majority: Not considered to be divisible property. (You don’t have to share it.)
-Minority: Recognize a professional license or degree to be divisible property.
-However, most jurisdictions allow for reimbursement for
contribution to receiving the license and education.
Divorce Distribution: employment / pension benefits
-Depends on employment rules (If benefits were part of compensation for work performed during marriage then will be marital property. However, if “use it or lose it” rule is applied- probably not subject to division.)
Divorce Distribution: personal injury awards
- Majority: Allocate these awards and treat some as marital property (lost wages) vs. separate property (pain and suffering).
- Minority (community property states): If the cause of action arises during marriage, all proceeds during the marriage are classified as marital property.
Name of spousal support where no marriage (Marvin case)
Burden for Modifying Spousal Support Award
Party who is seeking the change has the burden of establishing a “substantial change in circumstances” warranting modification. Not for a voluntary change in circumstances (e.g., quit job). Some jurisdictions look for a minimum of 10% difference in circumstances.
Limits to Power of Ex Parte Divorce Ruling
Court may have sufficient jurisdiction to grant a divorce but lack such jurisdiction with respect to other divorce-related matters, such as child support, division of property, alimony, etc.
Who can challenge Marital presumption that children born during the marriage are children of that marriage (+ rebuttals)
o Majority view: Only one of the spouses can challenge paternity.
o Minority view: A putative father can challenge
o Rebuttals: impotence, sterility, or no access to the wife
Reqs for Paternity by Estoppel (i.e. must pay support even if not father)
o Husband is required to pay child support if:
- There has been a representation by him that he would pay child support
- There was reliance on that representation
- Wife/Mother and child would suffer economic detriment as a consequence of that reliance
Name of federal act where states can exercise personal JX over parent residing in another state for support awards
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Req. for modifying child support award
- substantial change in circumstances
- Voluntary unemployment or reduced wages may not be considered in various jurisdictions –> court will impute income
UCCJEA meaning
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
UCCJEA: Initial Custody Determination (JX step 1)
Home State Jurisdiction: Subject matter jurisdiction depends on whether the child has been in the home state for 6 months or since birth
UCCJEA: JX step 2
Significant Connection Jurisdiction - A state other than the home state can modify a child custody order if:
- No other state has home state jurisdiction
- The child and at least one parent have a significant connection with another state; and
- There is substantial evidence and amount of time in the other state (e.g., care, school, family, or friends in the new state).
UCCJEA: JX step 3
Default Jurisdiction:
o If there is no other state that has jurisdiction, then a state with significant or at least some connection can assert jurisdiction under those circumstances.
UCCJEA: JX result
Exclusive Continuing Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction will continue with the home state until events arise terminating such jurisdiction (such as child establishing a new home state)
test of relocation in custody cases
Balance test:
Balance (1) the fact that children benefit the most from having frequent contact with both their parents against (2) the fact that people have a right to move, travel, and seek employment (look to how far the move, age and needs of children, bonds, quality of life).
Reqs for Invalidating Prenups
(1) No Full and Fair Disclosure
(2) Terms Not Fair and Reasonable, AND
(3) The Agreement Was Not Entered Into Voluntarily
Adoption and Safe Families Act
A state can move to terminate parental rights when
child has been outside of the home without a relative for 15 months of the preceding 22 months.