FAMILY HARM: Family Harm Policy & Procedures Flashcards
FH Policy and Procedures.
The Domestic Violence Act 1995 has been replaced with what?
Family Violence Act 2018.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police Policy Statement: FH is a high priority for Police and reducing the number and impact on FH episodes is a key Police Strategy. What are Police committed to?
Prompt, Effective, Nationally consistent approach to FH episodes in collaboration with other agencies/Iwi/community partners.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice: An effective police response to FH is based on 6 principals. List those principals. (6)
- E.I.
- Culturally appropriate.
- Safety.
- Collecting risk information.
- Accountability.
- Working collaboratively.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
Recognising early intervention helps to stop and prevent FH. What approach does this require?
An eyes wide open approach at all FH investigations.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
Response to FH involving Maori should what? (3)
- Reflect tikanga
- Sensitive approach at all FH investigations
- Acknowledging their culture AND Provides culturally appropriate solutions.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
Who must we keep safe? (3)
- Victims safety is paramount.
- Vulnerable children - attending officers must ensure they have no concerns regarding any child’s safety.
- Officers own safety.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
What does Collecting risk information enable us to do? (3)
- Effective risk assessment
- Planning Risk management to Victims
- Guide decisions around appropriate decisions for offenders.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
- When collecting risk information what do our processes include?
- What does the Total Concern For Safety contribute to?
- SAFVR measure AND Dynamic Risk Assessment at the Scene, which combined determine the Total Concern for Safety.
- A multiagency risk score.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice: How do we hold our predominant aggressors and offenders to account? (2)
- Through quality FH investigation.
- If evidence of criminal offending exists, file a charge reflecting nature of the offending in accordance with Solicitor General’s Prosecution Guidelines.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Principals that guide Police Practice:
List 4 key things Police must do when working collaboratively?
- Coordinate responses to FH through FV Coordinator across internal workgroups (FHT, CPT, ASA, Youth Aid, Youth Ed, CIB, Iwi/Pacific and Ethnic Liaison Officers, frontline)
- Be part of a coordinated collaborative multi-agency table response to enhance information sharing/meet the multiple and varied needs of family.
- Provide quality information to multi agencies.
- Apply Active case management principals/processes.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
The harm generated within families is caused by multiple factors that tend to exist against a backdrop of adverse circumstances (risk factors). List the adverse circumstances (risk factors). (3)
1. Vulnerabilities: -
- Lack of life skills
- Lack of parenting skills
- Lack of adequate social networks
- Lack of education
- Health issues
2. Compounding factors: -
- Unemployment
- Deprivation/poverty
- Inadequate housing
- Negative cultural attitudes
3. Negative behaviours: -
- Family Violence
- Child abuse and neglect
- Sexual violence
- Alcohol and drug abuse
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
There are wide-reaching consequences from FH. List the long-term negative outcomes as a result of adverse circumstances (Vulnerabilities, compounding factors and negative behaviours) (6)
Long-term negative outcomes: -
- Adverse social/economic outcomes
- Dysfunctional families
- Criminality
- Adverse health outcomes
- Mental health issues
- Adverse educational outcomes.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
Maori are grossly overestimated in FH stats (offending and Victimisation) across all areas of the vulnerabilities, compounding factors and negative behaviours. This in part stems from what?
Historical trauma suffered by Maori through: -
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
What is FV the subset of?
Family Harm.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
What does FV include? (3)
- Physical,
- Sexual OR
- Psychological abuse within domestic relationships.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
Behaviour that is coercive and controlling causes what?
Cumulative Harm.
NB: Can be a single episode or a number of episodes forming a pattern of behaviour or series of events.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
What model is used to understand coercion and control in family violence and what does this model highlight?
- The Duluth power and control wheel.
- Highlights: - Tactics of abuse most universally experienced by battered women.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
List 5 tactics of abuse in the Duluth power and control wheel most universally experienced by battered women?
- Intimidation
- Isolation
- Emotional abuse
- Economic abuse
- Using children to manipulate
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
As well as feeling entrapped by an abusive partner’s controlling and coercive behaviour, what else to Victims of FH suffer from? (3)
- Low self esteem
- Isolation
- Unable to leave the violent relationship for many reasons, including fear of further violence.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
What are the majority of FH investigations Police record?
Intimate Partner Violence - predominant aggressor is mostly male and the primary victim female.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH: What is men’s violence most likely to result in? (3)
- Serious injury AND
- Intimidation AND
- Fear
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
When are woman more likely to use violence?
In self defence (resistive violence)
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
Children are typically present in half of all FH episodes (witnesses or victims). List some of the impacts of children who have been exposed to FH? (5)
- Difficulty learning
- Becoming an offender or victim
- Increased chance of Mental illness and suicide
- Increased chance of alcohol/drug abuse
- Difficulty forming attachment.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Characteristics of FH:
What is an increasing area of concern in FH and what does it provide?
Aggressors with a pervasive way to coerce, stalk and harass victims.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
What are the key process points when responding to and investigating FH episodes? (10)
All Stages: Active case management.
- Initial Response - FH Investigation.
- Investigation and Crime Scene Examination.
- Interviewing witnesses, victims, suspects.
- Child Protection Protocol referral/Pol 350 in OnDuty.
- Considering arrest.
- Charging
- Bail
- Prosecution or case disposition
- Longer term safety, support and intervention.
- Monitoring and Evaluation.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
In the key process if Initial Response - FH investigation, what does undertaking a FH investigation involve? (7)
- Establishing context and circumstances, identifying the parties involved, their roles and undertaking interviews.
- Completing Dynamic Risk Assessment.
- Completing Frontline Safety Plan.
- Recording Quality narrative.
- Submitting and approving a FH investigation.
- Providing information to others/agencies.
- Appropriate coding of offences.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
When would you do a Crime Scene investigation?
There is evidence an offence has been committed.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
When would you interview witnesses, victims and suspects?
There is evidence an offence has been committed.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
When would an arrest and filing of charges be considered? (3)
- Evidence of criminal offending exists AND
- Decision to arrest will reflect the nature of the offending AND
- In accordance of the Solicitor General’s Prosecution Guidelines.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
What is the primary consideration of bail in a FH investigation? (1)
- The need to Protect the Victim of the alleged offence AND Any particular person or people in a family relationship with the Victim.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
What does Longer term safety, support and intervention entail in the investigation of FH?
Sharing relevant information internally AND at multi-agency tables FOR longer term safety, planning and action.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Key process points in quality FH investigation and later steps:
What does Monitoring and Evaluation entail in the investigation of FH?
Monitoring and Evaluating: - Trend and Data
FH Policy and Procedures
Police employees and FH:
What is the organisations view on Family Violence?
FV in all forms is unacceptable.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
Employees who inflict FH will be subject to what processes? (2)
The processes detailed in this chapter AND CoC
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
When responding to FH episodes involving its employee Police must do what?
Balance its responsibilities as an employer to support employees and their families AND
Act consistently and appropriately WITH The Public Interest AND Reputation of police in mind.
FH Policy and Procedures
Police employees and FH:
- There is added complexity for employees involved in FH due to the fact they work for Police. What two simultaneous actions should occur? (2)
- Police must also carefully consider what? (2)
- Normal Police Response applies AND Welfare considerations for both parties - shift supervisor refer the matter to welfare (where appropriate).
- Impact of criminal offending on the ability of an employee to remain a police employee AND Compatibility of an employee convicted of a FV offence and/or being the respondent of a P.O, to continue in a Policing role.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
When do policies/procedures re FH involving police employees apply? (4)
- Comes to the attention of the Supervisor that an employee is involved in FH (either as a Victim or Offender).
- Police attend and a PSO/warning is issued on an employee.
- Police attend and disclosure of FH is made where the employee is a victim/offender.
- Police become aware that a TPO or FPO has been issued relating to that employee (PP or Respondent)
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
Employees who commit a FV offence must be treated like anyone else. If an employee is arrested/charged, who must be notified immediately?
Supervisor must advised the District Employee Practice Manager and the District PPCM, who will then advise the DC and NM also CoC procedures apply.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
- What is the responsibility of the Officer who served a P.O. on an employee?
- What if he respondent is a Superintendent or above?
- Send a copy of the P.O. to the DC or NM.
- Send a copy of the P.O. to Deputy Chief Executive.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
- Employees who become a respondent of a P.O. must immediately what?
- What if an employee non-reports?
- Report in writing, including proceedings to their Supervisor, who must inform District HRM and PPCM.
- Viewed as an aggravating factor when considering the nature of the conduct disclosed.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
Can a P.O. be served on a Police employee w/o criminal history or prior offending?
Yes and the P.O. must be treated as a serious matter.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
When an employee is the respondent of a P.O., what does it mean in terms of their appointments and firearms?
Employee cannot carry their appointments. Includes handling of F/A for exhibiting.
FH Policy and Procedures.
Police employees and FH:
s108 FV Act 2018 allows police to consider varying the standard conditions of a P.O., this includes assisting where an employee is seeking to vary the condition relating to weapons and appointments. What must the Police do as part of their considerations and who is the final approval given by? (3)
Police must conduct their own enquiries to see if a variation is appropriate.
Includes obtaining the views of the PP.
Final approval made be DCE People in consultation with NM: Criminnal Investigations.
NB: Victims safety is paramount and their views must be taken into account when considering any variation.