Family Harm Flashcards
Principles of Family Harm
Early intervention
Culturally appropriate
Collect risk information
Working collaboratively
What is one model that is used to understand coercion and control in family violence?
Duluth power wheel.
Intimidation, isolation, emotional and economic abuse, using children to manipulate.
Another tactic is entrapment and resistance.
What is Duluth power wheel?
Duluth power wheel highlights tactics of abuse.
Intimidation, isolation, emotional and economic abuse, using children to manipulate.
Another tactic is entrapment and resistance.
When are females more likely to use violence?
In self defence.
How often are children present at family harm events?
Children are typically present at half of all family harm episodes.
What are the impacts of Tamariki?
Difficulty learning.
Become victims or offenders.
Increase mental illness.
Increase drug/alcohol abuse.
There is evidence to suggest that exposure to significant stress while pregnant can impact on development of babies.
Investigations into family harm should cooperated evidence through.
Medical exams
Photograph of injuries
Scene examination
111 call
Phone evidence
What can be put in place to protect victim/witness when giving evidence at court?
S105 - Evidence Act
Alternate ways of giving evidence;
By video.
Video recording made before hearing. (Must be made by police NLT 2 weeks after alleged incident.
Is a formal complaint required in order to make an arrest or lay charges.
No, however the victims response/wishes should be listened to and noted.
An explanation should be given if police action is not consistent with victims wishes.
What action can be taken if there is insufficient evidence to charge for an offence.
How long can you hold an offender for a breach of protection order.
Do not release on police bail for 24 hours unless there is an earlier court hearing.
What is the primary co side ration when considering police bail for family harm offence.
Primary consideration is the need to protect the victim.
How long can a PSO be issued for.
Up to 10 days.
What is the bound person required to do when PSO served.
Surrender Fire arms and vacate land/premises where protected person occupies.
How long can a bound person be detained in order to serve a PSO.
Up to 2 hours.
How long do police have to serve PSO once authorised.
48 hours.
What follow up actions should be taken when PSO served.
Contact person at risk while PSO in place (24-48hrs).
Check for any breaches.
Ensure they know what constitutes breach.
If bound person has absconded after breach of PSO how long do you have to locate and bring before court?
1 month to bring Into custody then 24hr to bring before court.
Warrant may also be applied for however month expiry period still stands.
Court powers for breach PSO.
Continue with existing PSO
Direct another order.
Adjourn and consider temp protection order.
What is required following appearance in court for breach of PSO.
Prosecutors must advise person at risk or court decision and subsequent action.
3 attempts to phone within hour.
4Q at address.
Record actions in NIA.
When must police serve a protection order.
Respondent holds firearms license.
Respondent believed to possess or have access to firearm.
Assessed as significant risk to server.
Granted without notice.
What actions required regarding contact between protected persons and respondent.
Protected person wants contact with respondent they must give consent in writing; email, txt, letter etc.
Can withdraw consent in any way.
Restrictions on respondent of protection order.
Must not possess any weapon or firearms license.
Surrender any weapon ASAP after order is served (within 24hr) or on demand by Constable.
In relation to the principles of family harm. What is an aspect to consider in relation to the “Safety” principle.
Officers must be aware that attending 5F is one of the most dangerous parts of the job and precautions may be necessary to secure their own safety.
What is a concept that helps to explain the complexity of family harm?
Entrapment and resistance
What must officers consider when deciding to arrest.
Determine whether sufficient evidence.
Solicitor generals guidelines met.
When offending is disclosed and actions other than arrest are contemplated, who must be consulted.
If you are uncertain about whether there is sufficient evidence to charge who can be consulted.
Supervisor or family harm specialist/coordinator.
Where a breach of protection order or related property order has been breached and there is evidential sufficiency to charge you must?
Not release on police bail for 24hrs unless court at earlier time.
Offender is not bailable.
What guide can assist to determine most appropriate charge.
How and when you charge makes a difference guide.
Who can authorise the release of a defendant in police bail.
Supervisor at or above Sgt.
In most cases there is a presumption that a defendant is to be bailed. What must be completed if bail opposed.
Opposition to bail fitting criteria detailed in S8 of bail act.
Who is the primary agency for delivering support for victims of family harm.
Women’s refugee.
Victim support will only provide support in regions where no viable specialist agency is available.
PSO - contact of bound person with person at risk is authorised and not in breach of?
Necessary in emergency.
Permitted under any special condition of protection order.
Necessary to attend FGC.
Necessary to attend court.
What effect does PSO have on protection order.
If bound person is party to parenting order, that order is suspended.
What are the limits on issuing PSOs against a CYP.
If 16 years or older and is justified by special circumstances.
What factors should be considered when issuing PSO.
Person posing risk: inflicted violence - will again inflict risk.
Welfare of children residing with person at risk.
Hardship caused by PSO.
A person who refuses to remain at place detained for PSO:
Commits offence and is Kia Le on conviction to a max fine $500.
May be arrested.
After determining that a temporary protection order is to be issued, how long can district court detain in order to serve.
2 hours.
Can family violence include ill treatment to pet of someone in family.
What are conditions relating to weapons of responsibility dent of protection order.
Not to possess or have any weapon or hold firearms license.
Must surrender ASAP after order served and on demand at any time by constable.
What are the requirements for making a protection order.
Respondent has inflicted or is inflicting family violence against applicant or child of applicant or both.
Making or order necessary for protection of applicant, child or both.
What are standard conditions of protection order.
Respondent dent must not engage in:
Behaviour that amounts to family violence.
Make unauthorised contact with protected person.
Encourage a person to engage in behaviour or make contact with protected person that would be prohibited by respondent.