Family dysfunction Flashcards
What does the psychodynamic approach claim?
Family dysfunction is the key factor in schizophrenia
What is research evidence for family dysfunction?
Schizophrenogenic mother and double bind
What is the schizophrenogenic mother>
The schizophrenogenic mother is cold, rejecting and uncaring, resulting in a tense and secretive family environment and creates distrust which leads to paranoid delusions
What is the double bind?
The child receives mixed messages which are hard to interpret, such as i love you delivered in anger, so they see the world and confusing, dangerous and become untrustful. The confusion leads to disorganised thinking and confusion how to interpret signals leads to disorganised thought and distrustful news of what people say leads to paranoia
What is supporting evidence for the double bind?
Bateson’s case study
What is Bateson’s case study?
A recovering schizophrenia is visited by his mother and when he embraced her, she stiffened and she said ‘don’t you love him anymore’, so he blushed and she told him to not be so easily embarrassed and afraid of his feelings. Then she left and he assaulted an aide and was restrained
What is Bateson’s case study?
A recovering schizophrenia is visited by his mother and when he embraced her, she stiffened and she said ‘don’t you love him anymore’, so he blushed and she told him to not be so easily embarrassed and afraid of his feelings. Then she left and he assaulted an aide and was restrained
What is expressed emotion?
High expressed emotion is a stressor only for those who are already genetically vulnerable or already have schizophrenia
What is the link between family dysfunction and schizophrenia?
Family dysfunction doesn’t cause schizophrenia alone
What are the 3 key elements of expressed emotion?
Hostility, critical comments and emotional over-involvement
What is an example of hostility?
‘You’re pushing me to breaking point’
What is an example of critical comments?
‘Why dont you just snap out of it?’
What is an example of emotional over involvement?
‘I’ll quit work to look after you’
What is the effect of hostility and critical comments?
Fear, sadness and anxiety
What is the effect of emotional over involvement?
It leads to guilt
How do hostility, critical comments and emotional over involvement lead to schizophrenia?
They are stressful emotions and trigger schizophrenia in those who are vulnerable
What is evidence for expressed emotion?
Survey by Kavanagh, Butzlaff and Hooley
What were the finding of Kavanagh, Butzlaff and Hooley?
A person is 2x more likely to relapse in a high EE than low EE home
Why is survey evidence strong?
Both studies are a meta-analysis
What is an issue with studies finding an association between family dysfunction and relapse?
There are external factors, and it is non-experimental , and there may be an association between EE as schizophrenia as early signs of relapse cause expressed emotion to rise
What is evidence from family therapy?
Family therapy trains families to reduce expressed emotion, and is successful in reducing relapse rates, suggesting EE was a causal factor in relapse/onset
Why is family therapy evidence better than survey evidence?
It is experimental, so can infer cause and effect as relapse rates fall