Family Dysfunction Flashcards
Schizophrenic Mother
Fromm-Reichman (1948) proposed psychodynamic explanation based on what patients say about their childhood. All spoke of a particular type of parent.
Schizophrenogenic Mother
cold, rejecting, controlling. This creates a tense and secret family environment. Leads to distrust which develop into paranoid delusions, then paranoid schizophrenia.
Double Bind Theory
Bateson et al (1972) agreed family climate important but emphasised communication style. This is just a risk factor.
The communication style
Developing child is regularly trapped in situations where they fear wrongdoing, but receive mixed messages of what is right, feel unable to seek clarity, so don’t know right from wrong. If get wrong punished by withdrawal of love (conditional positive regard). Leaves them with a confused and dangerous understanding of the world, reflected in symptoms like disorganised thinking and paranoid delusions.
Expressed Emotion
This relates to the relationships of carers and their patients. EE is the level of emotions, in particular negative, expressed towards patient by carer.
How is EE shown?
Verbal criticism of the patient accompanied by violence, hostility towards the patient e.g. anger and rejection, emotional over-involvement in life e.g. needless self-sacrifice.
How does EE cause schizophrenia?
High levels of EE towards patient are a source of stress. Primarily an explanation for relapse. This stress could also cause the onset of schizophrenia in those who are vulnerable. (diathesis stress model)