Family & Cultural Assessment Flashcards
Family health history components
Genetic predisposition
Affected by family disease, illness, health habits (ex, secondhand smoke)
All genetic relatives- parents, grandparents, children & spouse (for the children)
Helpful tool to organize & demonstrate FHx
Genogram- allows quick summary of FHx
- easy to draw
- need key
- circles- female
- squares- male
- lines- relationship
Cultural assessment
The nonphysical attributes of a person- thoughts, communications, actions, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups
What does the patient’s cultural background affect?
Definitions of health
Health practices
Barriers to care
“What do you believe are your barriers to care?”
Four characteristics
What are learned characteristics of cultural competence
Birth through processes of language acquisition and socialization
What are shared characteristics of cultural competence?
By all members of the same cultural group
What are adapted characteristics of cultural competence?
Adapted to specific conditions related to environmental and technical factors and to availability of natural resources
What are dynamic characteristics of cultural competence?
Ever changing
What is the definition of cultural care?
Professional health care that is culturally sensitive, appropriate and competent
What are the 5 components of cultural competence?
What does ethnicity mean?
It is a description of a group of people who are united by:
- common geographic region
- migratory status
- religion
- race
- language
- shared values, traditions, symbols
- food preferences
Why is a cultural assessment so important?
- Who are we meeting?
- Where are they from?
- Do they read, understand, and speak English?
- To learn what the patient’s beliefs and behaviors associated with health and illness:
- causes
- caregiving
- expected treatments
- daily hygiene
- food preferences & rituals
- religious beliefs associated with healthcare
To assess the patient’s health relative to disease prevalent in the specific cultural group (AA males & HTN)
What are the factors affecting a pt’s approach to providers?
Ethnicity- AA pts don’t trust white HCPs
Generational status- may be uncomfortable with a younger provider
Educational level
Prior healthcare experience
Occupation & income level
Beliefs about time & space
Communication needs/ preferences (ex: Asian and American pts tend to keep space between them)
What are some examples of health behaviors affected by religion?
- connection to something bigger than them
Folk healer
Willingness to undergo physical examination
What are some cultural factors related to pain?
Pain is a personal experience that depends on cultural learning, the situation, and factors unique to the individual
Asian pts value controlling the pain
Latins & southern Europeans value openly expressing it
Explain why you are exploring the pain- so you can treat it
What are some cultural factors related to blood products, transfusions and organ donations?
Jehovah’s Witness- will not accept blood products or transfusions
Organ donation and autopsy- are not accepted by Christian scientists, Orthodox Jews, greeks, and some Spanish-speaking groups
AA- donate organs less yet they tend to require the larger amount of organs
What are some cultural factors related to diet and nutrition?
Meaning of food
Rituals surrounding food
Distribution of food in 24 hours
Fasting- Ramadan- sun up to sundown
Very resistant to change d/t the meaning of food, comfort, caring, ethnic roots, and family
What is the main thing to remember when dealing with cultural considerations?
- Realize your cultural values, heritage, biases & health beliefs, and practices.
- Examine within the patients culture
- Select- appropriate questions
- Encourage- discussion
- Check- understanding
- Touch- within appropriate cultural boundaries
Linguistic competence
Title VI of the civil rights act of 1964
- services cannot be denied to people of limited English proficiency
- Most common language is Spanish
- Limited English Proficiency pts are at risk for poor health outcomes that the language barrier causes–> interpreters are important