Family Based Therapy Deck 2 Flashcards
What is Circularity in terms of families?
Patterns of behavior develop within systems, which are repetitive, circular in nature, constantly evolving and which affect all family members.
Regarding connections and patterns the therapist should?
Consider the connections between circular patterns of behaviors and the connections between the beliefs and behaviors within the system.
What is the importance of Narratives and Language?
Behaviors and beliefs firm the basis of stories and narratives, which are constructed by, around and between individuals and the system itself. The language that is used to describe the narratives and the interactions between individuals constructs the reality of their everyday lives.
Construction is the idea that people form autonomous meaning systems and will interpret and make sense of information from their frame of reference. This means?
Understanding is constrained and affected by this meaning system, and thus an assumption should not be made regarding the meaning given the information offered or contributed to others.
What is social constructionism?
The idea that meaning is created in social interactions that take place between people and thus is context dependent, constantly changing, taking precedence over the concept of single external reality.
Goals during initial session are?
- Outline Therapy boundaries and structure
- Engage and involve all family members
- Gather and clarify information
- Establish goals and objectives of therapy
Goals during middle sessions are?
- Develop and monitor engagement
- Gather information and focus discussion
- Identity and explore Beliefs
- Work towards change at the level of beliefs and behaviors
- Return to objectives and goals of therapy
Goals during ending sessions are?
- Gather information and focus discussion
- Continue to work towards change at the level of behaviors and beliefs
- Develop family understanding about behaviors and beliefs
- Secure collaborative decision re: ending
- Review the process of therapy
Examples of various types of circular questions
- About another’s state/behaviors/beliefs
- Offering alternative perspectives
- About relationships
- Direct
- Indirect - Circular definitions
- About possible futures
- Ranking
What do you think John is feeling?
What do you think John is feeling when he yells at you?
What ideas do you think John might have about that?
Are all examples of circular questions addressing what?
Another’s state/behaviors/ beliefs
What does John think of your school performance?
If I ask a teacher what would they say about it?
These are example of circular questions about ….?
Offering alternative perspectives
Do the girls dislike each other?
How do the children react when they see you arguing?
These are example about what type of circular questioning?
About relationships
- Direct
- Indirect
When you and John raise your voices and Jill starts crying what does John do then?
This is a circular question that provides a ….?
Circular Definition
What will you think in five years time?
Miracle Question: imagine you woke up tomorrow morning and all the difficulties you were experiencing currently had disappeared, how would things be different? What effect would that have on your relationship with (x)?
This type of circular question talks about what?
Possible futures
Who is most to get upset when father is away, and who next is most upset?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how close do you think James and Sue feel when they argue is an example of a circular question employing?