Family Flashcards
Adoption Plan
A plan made by agreement between the adoptive parents and birth parents, often called open adoption.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ customary law marriage
A marriage entered into according to tribal custom rather than according to Australian law
The process whereby a couple become the legal parents of a child born to someone else
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse - no longer a grounds for divorce
Apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO)
An order made to protect a person against the behaviour of someone with whine they are or have been in a domestic relationship.
Apprehended personal violence order (APVO)
An order made to protect a person against the behaviour of someone with whom they have never had a domestic relationship.
Apprehended violence order (AVO)
An order imposed by a local court which restricts the behaviour of a defendant for a period of time
Artificial Insemination
The practice whereby semen is medically implanted into a woman’s reproductive system so that she can bear a child
Artificial reproductive technology (ART)/Birth Technologies
Technologies that allow women to become pregnant via artificial means, such as artificial insemination and IVF.
Autonomy of children
The ability of children to make more and more decisions for themselves as they grow older.
Binding financial agreements
Agreements that will be enforced by the law and which deal with some or all of the financial resources of the parties to a marriage or de facto relationship.
Blended families
A married or de-facto couple and their children from previous relationships
Care plan
A plan which sets out the steps that will be taken by a family to resolve the concern that Community services has about a child.
A person under the age of eighteen years. Also called minor.
Child abuse
Assault of a child, including sexual assault, ill-treatment of a child and exposing a child to behaviour that psychologically harms him or her.
The process whereby a third person, called a mediator or conciliator, listens to both parties to a dispute and makes suggestions, in an effort to bring the two parties to agreement. Conciliation is similar to mediation but involves a healing focus and perhaps counselling.
Conscience vote
When politicians vote on legislation according to their personal moral beliefs, not according to political party policy.
The process whereby a third person listens to the parties to a dispute and helps them to minimise their differences and reach agreement. It involves a healing focus.
Consent Order
An enforce-able agreement made by separating people about a wide range of matters
Contact Veto
An order lodged with Community services preventing an adopted adult being contacted by his or her biological parent, or the biological parents of an adopted adult being contacted by that adopted child.
The legal dissolution of marriage. The marriage is finished and each party is free to marry another person.
De-facto relationship
When two people live together as a married couple, though they are not legally married (that is, they are living in a bona fide domestic relationship).
Domestic Violence
Actual or threatened violence or harassment within a domestic relationship.
Domestic violence offences
Crimes that involve violence between people in a domestic relationship and which are illegal under the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), such as assault, stalking, intimidation.
Extended family
A family with other relatives besides parents and children living in the same household
‘Two or more persons… who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de-facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household’ (ABS)