Family Flashcards
Func - Murdock
Most efficient family type, so much so its universal, found in all societies
Reproduction - biological reproduction of the next generation, nuclear family easily allows for reproduction
Economic - getting members of the family the basic needs to survive. Nuclear family efficient in providing these because the man earns the money and the woman distributes it
Socialisation - education of young family members, primary socialisation to learn the value consensus
Satisfying sex drives - the need for members of society to have sex, otherwise they would be frustrated and angry. Provides a stable relationship for them to have sex in to prevent STD’s and know who kids are
EVA - there are societies that don’t commonly have nuclear families The Nayar in south west India - women could have multiple sexual partners and children were parented by the mothers brother.
Parsons criticises him by saying the family has lost 2 functions
Func - Parsons
Functional fit - the type of family depends on the society e.g. in pre modern extended was the most typical. Nuclear family fits the industrial society. 2 reasons =
Geographical mobility - Families need to be able to move where the jobs are and uprooting extended family is cumbersome
Social mobility - people need to able to move up social classes, this can cause tension in extended families where a daughter may earn more than her father leading to tension
Loss of Functions - Education function is fufilled by society
2 key functions = Primary socialisation
Stabilisation of Adult personalities (Warm bath theory) - Argues that the family provides a comforting and relaxing experience for men so that he can relieve the stress of work, this allows them to return to work the next day - Men and Women are biologically suited to the traditional instrumental and expressive role.
EVA - Feminists argue this view is oppressive to women. Ansley - Women absorb all the anger and frustration ‘takers of shit’. Oakley - traditional roles are a social construct not biological.
Func - Fletcher
Haven’t lost functions but gained some
Education - family is still involved in education system through PTA meetings and parents evenings and motivating their children
Healthcare - families still take care of their children
Gained - Maintaining satisfying Relationships - maintain relationships as if you had a negative relationships you would be much more distracted and under-perform at work and school.
Indirect EVA of func
Outdated - Post mod - talking about a family unit that doesnt exist anymore, today your family can be whoever and whatever you choose
Overly positive - Marx & Fem - ignores harmful aspects of family life and wider society. This includes class exploitation, domestic abuse, child abuse and neglect
New Right - Murray
individual responsibility -
overgenerous welfare state has removed the individual responsibility for poorer families and allows them to have families they cant afford Causes decline in the family and wider social issues by contributing to a dependency culture and a lazy underclass. Says underclass are a drain on society and live off benefits and government protects them from consequences
EVA - Structural factors that are beyond peoples control that can affect employment. Some people need this support of the state
New Right - Dennis & Erdos
Build on murray - Single parent families lead to lack of socialisation and cause social problems like alcohol abuse, drug abuse and increased crime. Call them fatherless families as vast majority of single parents are females. Says lack of father figure means they miss out on socialisation that a male brings
EVA - There are many other people that can take on the ‘father figure’ role other than biological father.
Fem - ignores benefits of single parents families on women as they are free from oppression from males
Marx - Engels
Nuclear family emerged as a response to capitalism, as capitalist became rich they needed to ensure they passed property onto rightful heir. With nuclear family you can be far more certain who your children are.
States women are essentially prostitutes as they trade sex and children for financial security
EVA - outdated - women now work, own property, have independent incomes and less likely to marry for financial security or social necessity. Or may not be in Nuclear family at all
Marx - Zaretsky
Primary socialisation - teaches children dominant ideology e.g. learn from a young age there is always a boss above you
Safe Haven - safe haven for working men from exploitative work. Based on the exploitation of women whose unpaid domestic labour creates illusion of safe haven.
Unit of consumption - Products are aimed at families as a lot of money is spend on family related products. exploitative as most workers buy products for much more than they would get paid to make them. Media encourages this through marketing e.g. ‘keep up with the Jones’ and ‘Pester power’
EVA - Criticised with parsons
Young people don’t learn a high level of obedience from their parents
Marx - Althusser
The state as a means to maintain dominant ideology and position in society
RSA - physical control e.g. police and courts
ISA - ideological control e.g. education and family
Families socialise children into dominant ideology. ruling class maintain false class consciousness. Far less likely to challenge exploitation as its all they’ve ever known
EVA - Donzelot - Family is itself controlled by the state. Argues that reps of the state like social workers and doctors control and change families. “policing the family”