Family Flashcards
Who is this?
Kto to jest?
“Kto to?” is also enough - the verb ‘jest’ can be skipped
This is my mum
To jest moja mama
“To moja mama” is also correct
This is my dad
To jest mój tata
This is my sister
To jest moja siostra
This is my brother
To jest mój brat
This is my grandmother
To jest moja babcia
This is my grandfather
To jest mój dziadek
This is my aunt
To jest moja ciocia
This is my uncle
To jest mój wujek
This is my cousin (male)
To jest mój kuzyn
This is my cousin (female)
To jest moja kuzynka
This is my nephew
(sister’s son)
To jest mój siostrzeniec
This is my nephew
(brother’s son)
To jest mój bratanek
This is my niece
(sister’s daughter)
To jest moja siostrzenica
This is my niece
(brother’s daughter)
To jest moja bratanica
This is my wife
To jest moja żona
This is my husband
To jest mój mąż
This is my partner (female)
To jest moja partnerka
This is my partner (male)
To jest mój partner
This is my fiancée
To jest moja narzeczona
This is my faince
To jest mój narzeczony
He is divorced
On jest rozwiedziony
She is divorced
Ona jest rozwiedziona
How old are you?
Ile masz lat?
How old is he?
Ile on ma lat?
How old is she?
Ile ona ma lat?
Where do you live?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
Where does she live?
Gdzie ona mieszka?
Where does he live?
Gdzie on mieszka?
This is Adam’s sister
To siostra Adama
This is Eva’s brother
To brat Ewy
Eva is pregnant
Ewa jest w ciąży
They are going to have a baby
Będą mieli dziecko
They are getting married
Biorą ślub
They got engaged
Zaręczyli się.
He died
She died
He is a widower
Jest wdowcem
She is a widow
Jest wdową
This is my family
To moja rodzina
This is my friend (male)
To mój przyjaciel
This is my friend (female)
To moja przyjaciółka