Family Flashcards
Principles of family medicine?(A++)
1.Person-centered: -Not limited by type of health problem -Commitment has no defined end point.
2.Continuous care: -Typically from womb to tomb -Increase knowledge of patient and form relationship over time -Provides methods of diagnosis and therapy not available to others.
3.Comprehensive care: -Full service care -Bio-psycho-social, Promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative care.
4:Coordinated care: Referral medicine -Makes family physicians ideal PHC -Receive appropriate care at right time and place
5:Collaborative care: Work with other medical providers.
6.Competent care: Apply knowledge to solve wide range of health problems on EBM.
7.Compassionate care
8. Community oriented care: should be aware of the health needs of the population living in this community
9. Family oriented care: Family deal with all age groups and therefore tend to care for family units.
10. Preventive attitude
11. Resource Management
Enumerate services that can be provided by family physicians (A++)
Individual level:
1-Health promotion services: directing individuals to healthy lifestyle
2-Preventive services(RISE)
3-Curative services
4-Rehabilitative services
5-Counseling services.
6-Home care services
7-All activities of special programs as Maternal and Child Health
8-Palliative care
At the family level:
1-comprehensive care to the family level according to needs
At the community level:
1- promote health and well being to the community
Enumerate requirements of FHM (B)
- Human resources management
a:Staffing pattern according to No. of families, Facility size and Avg daily visits. It has a social worker.
b:Job description
c:Capacity building of FHM facility staff; continuous medical education and in-service training program
d:Motivitation of FHM facility staff: Through performance based incentive system - Improved Management Information System
- Accreditation of FHM facilities
- Integration of FHM service delivery: Comprehensive, Coordinated and continuous care.
- Establishment of referral system
- Essential Drug List
- Raising demands for FHM services
8.Improved supervision system
Selection of health services in Egypts’ BBP ? (A)
1.Common health needs of the population
2,Severity of illnesses affecting the population
3.Cost-effectiveness of the interventions
4. Availability of financial resources
Benefits of BBP (A)
1-cost effectiveness in the field of health
2-assurance of high quality services
3-financial sustainability through defining basic services
4-first step towards universal health coverage for all Egyptians.
Define and enumerate components of BBP (B)
Definition :minimum package of basic health services that have to be available at all FHM facilities and accessible to all Egyptians through the universal health insurance system.
Components :-
1. Child health services
2. Maternal health services:
3. All age groups health services
-Communicable disease - Non-Communicable Diseases. - Eye problems.
- Dental care. - Emergency care. - Mental Health
4. Laboratory Tests
5. Radio Diagnostic services
6. Minor Surgery
7. Public health services
What are the requirements for successful implementation of the BBP? (a)
- Development or improvement of existing guidelines
- Upgrading of skills Of health care providers
- Monitoring of health facility performance
- Quality assurance
Types of family (A)
nuclear: Consists of two parents and children
extended; Nuclear family + Other relatives
Characteristics of family (b)
- Same/similar house, values, social activities, Objectives in life and experience of success and failure.
-Marriage of two adults of opposite sex
-Naming of individuals
-Descent can be traced
-Limited in size even in large extended family
-Made up of different roles; Husband, wife etc
Functions of family (SCARPP)
- Helping each member of family to acquire social skills (Socialization).
- Provide fundamental care to every member such as food, shelter (Care).
- Provide psychological care such as love and warmth (Affection).
- Maintain essence of family through legal sexual contact (Reproduction).
- Helping each member to decide his future career regarding education and occupation (Providing Status)
- Providing the economic and protective needs of individuals especially those who are vulnerable (Protection).
Role of family in health and illness
- Family could be source of health:
The family can maintain its member healthy and well, it can contribute significantly
in prevention of diseases through the following:
* By providing the good housing conditions.
* By providing adequate and healthy food.
* By providing pure and clean water for drinking and washing.
* By utilizing preventive measures such as immunization, periodic health examination, health screening. - Family could be source of illness
The family can be a source of diseases and health problems through:
* Transmission of genetic disorders.
* Prenatal and perinatal transmission of diseases.
* Transmission of communicable diseases.
* Acquiring bad lifestyle habits such as smoking and unhealthy eating habits leading
to occurrence of conditions such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and cancers. - Family has important role during illness
During illness, the family can help its members by many means:
* Taking the sick individual to the nearest health facility for treatment.
* Helping the patient to comply with medical advice.
* Providing psychological support in crisis situations. - Family dynamics can have either a positive or negative impact on health of
each family member.
Factor affecting family dynamics
1.Structural factors
a. Excess and deficit in structure: Demand certain number of children and number of boys, failing in either leads t deficit structure.
b. Spacing pattern
c. Sex pattern
d. Age pattern (closely related to spacing pattern)
2.Change in family system
a. One part will compensate for the dysfunction of another
b. Family modifies its activity to maintain a steady state
c. Each individual within the family unit has an effect on every other individual in the unit
3.Stressful life events
a. Mild stress
b. Moderate stress
a. Severe stress
Effect of family dynamics on health
- Positive aspects of family dynamics and health
a. A family’s social support decrease the likelihood of the onset of chronic disease, disability, mental illness, and death.
b. Marriage is associated with better physical health, psychological well-being, and low mortality. Married people are more likely to avoid risky behavior, such as heavy drinking and high fat diets. They are also more likely to see the doctor for check-ups and screenings. - Negative aspects of family dynamics and health
a. Marriages characterized by an unequal division of decision making and power are associated with high levels of depression on the part of both spouses.
b. Growing up in an unsupported, neglectful or violent home is also associated with poor physical and mental health. - Family power dynamics and gender
Family power dynamics and gender roles may have a negative impact on a woman’s health and her ability to seek health care. In many cultures, for a woman to access health care, she must receive permission from her husband, father, or mother in-law and must be accompanied by a male to her appointments. - Family dynamics and children
a. Children who grow up in risky families are also especially likely to exhibit risky
behaviours such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse.
b. Conditions ranging from living with irritable and quarrelling parents to being exposed to violence and abuse at home show associations with mental and physical health problems in childhood, with lasting effects in the adult years.
c. Family can also have a negative impact on children if the illness of a parent or family member results in a child taking on the role of a caretaker. When a child acts as a caretaker, s/he often misses school and oftentimes must assume the personal and domestic responsibilities that his/her parents are no longer able to complete.
Family life cycle concept
- Family’s experience change over time
- Family has a beginning and an end
- Family development goes through sequential stages/phases
- Phase-specific developmental tasks may be delineated
- Family will go through normal transitions and unexpected crises
- There is a transmission of certain biologic, behavioural, and social processes throughout the cycle and from one generation to the next within the family. Family life cycle flows from the growing stage of family formation, through the expanding stages of child bearing, child rearing, and child launching, to the contracting periods of the empty nest, widowhood, and termination. This process of family development is highly interrelated with the individual life development of each individual member.
Stages of human life cycle
- Preconception
- Fetal life
- Infant
- Preschool age
- School age
- Adolescence
- Adult hood
- Senescence or old age