family Flashcards
transitional stage
individuals in their 20s
have left the family of origin
not yet formed their own family
transitional developmental tasks
develop independence
identify relationship
transitional health concerns
family planning
safe sexual practices
mental health concerns
good health practices
stage 1
married couple without children
married couple w/o children devleopmental tasks
establish a mutually satisfying marriage/partnership
relating harmoniously to the kin network
planning a family
married couple w/o children health concerns
family planning education and counseling
prenatal education
stage II
childbearing families
childbearing families developmental tasks
new family in the family
needs of various family members
maintain a satisfying marital/partner relationshp
childbearing family health concerns
prenatal preparation
transition to parenthood
infent/well baby care
physical health problems of the baby
family interactions
good health practices
real life vs expectations
stage iii
families w preschool age children
families w preschool kids developmental tasks
meeting needs for adquate and safe housing
socializing the children
integrate new child members
maintain health relaitonships within and outside the family
families w preschool kids health concerns
communicable diseases of children
accident prevention
marital relationships
sibling relationships
growth and development needs
parenting issues
abuse and neglect
good health practices
stage IV
families w school children
families w school children developmental tasks
socializing the children
school achievement
families w school children health concerns
dental health
child abuse/neglect
communicable disease
chronic conditions
behavior problems
good health practices
stage V
families w teens
families w teens developmental tasks
balance freedom w responsibility
communication between parents and children
families w teens health concerns
sports injuries
birth control
unexpected pregnancies
sexual education
teen/parent relations
sexual identity
good health practices
families launching young adults developmental tasks
relinquish parental control
reorganization of the family
sandwich generation
families launch