Families & Groups Flashcards

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Colorino Group

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery


The Colorino Group:
Red (Teinturiers) ex. Colorino del Valdarno.
Located in Tuscany, Liguria, Lazio, March, Umbria
Mistaken for Alicante Boushet, Giacchè, Granoir, Morone, Abrusco, Abrostine. Biotypes: Valdarno (clear plup & juice, and all available clones come from Valdarno), Pisa (may or may not be alicante bouscet), Lucca, Americano (thought to be a hybrid of a native American species)
Traits in the vineyard: All biotypes are late ripeners, disease resistant, distinguishing features, Americano large pentagon shapes red tinited leaves, green stock. Vadarno has green stock, small bunch. Lucca & Pisa have red stocks.Traits in the winery – deeply pigmented, very reductive so they need more oxygen, 7-10 max maceration. Flavour profile: dark fruited, tannic and herbal, less complex the Cab, some Syrah like meaty, peppery aromas. Blends predominantly Sangiovese. Only varietally bottled examples are IGT.

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Moscato Family

Grapes, Colour, region,


Moscato Bianco #153 Colour: WhiteLocation: Piedmont
Moscato Giallo -Colour: White #154. Location: Alto Adige, Terntino, FVG, Veneto
Zibbibo (Moscato di Alessandria) : Colour- White 343
Location: Sicily
Moscato di Scanzo: Colour: Red, Location: Lombardy
Moscato Rosa, Colour: Red #156, Location: Alto-Adige, Trentino, FVG

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Moscato Bianco

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Moscato Bianco (153)
Colour: White
Location: Piedmont
Mistaken for / synonyms: Rarely called Moscato de Canelli, better known as Moscato Blanc à Petit grains (france), Muscat de Frontignan, Muscat de Lunel, Muscat de Alsace, are locally important. Moscatel de Grano Meundo/Pequeno, Moscatel Morisco (spain), Moscatel Branco, Moscatel do douro (Portugal), Moscato Mazas, Moschato Lefko (Greece), Gelber Muskateller (Austria/Germany), Frontignan (Aus), Muscatel (S.Africa).
Relationships: related topractically all red varieties, Moscato di scanzo, Moscato Nero, and shares parent off-spring relationships with 5 other moscato grapes (Alessandria, scanzo, Violetto, rosso di madera, Giallo, rosa, as well as Aleatico)
Biotypes: Moscato di taggia (likely), Moscatello di Saracena, Moscatello di Taggia
Traits in the vineyard: mutations can turn berries pink to light red. Small berries, thin skinned. Does best on chalk, limestone, clay soils. Suffers from pest, including hymenoptera and mites. Thin skins causes difficulty when ripening. Sensitive to Peronospora and oidium
Grand Cru: Canelli, Santo Stefano, and Lazzolo – light chalky soils, limestone rich.
Traits in the winery: Produced in several styles, light-bodied, perfumed dry, off dy whites, to rich and swee late-harvest, fortified (aus). Moscato d’asti produced in autoclaves with low atmosphers of pressure, off-dry. Spumante is refermented in auto-claves (secondary fermentation) bottle with higher pressure.
Finished wine character: Grapey notes, orange, floral
Blending partners & DOCs: 13 DOC & DOCG Asti, Moscadello di Montalcino is usually late harvest, or air-dried style, and sweet. Moscato di Sardegna, Abruzzo, Alba, Castel san Lorenzo, Colli di Parma etc (16DOC)..

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Moscato Giallo

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Moscato Giallo
Colour: White 154
Location: Alto Adige, Terntino, FVG, Veneto
Mistaken for / synonyms: Goldenmuskateller in Alto-adige, Moscatello, Moscatellone
Relationships: grandchild or half sibling to Moscato de Scanzo, Moscato Rosa, Moscato di Alessandria, Moscato Violetto, Muscat Rouge de Madeire and Aleatico, offspring of Moscato Bianco.
Biotypes: 7 officially certified clones.
Traits in the vineyard: Large & elongated, pyramidal, sparse bunches with one to two wings and round, thick skinned, bright yellow berries. Early ripener, susceptible to millerange in rainy spring & phomopsis but typically good disease resistance. Performs best on Calcareous or volcanic slopes, preferres cooler temperatures.
Grand Cru – the most important and best mono-varietals are the DOC trentino Moscato Gialla
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners & DOCs – DOC Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio in Veneto, confused with Moscato Fior d’Arancio. 7 DOC Friuli Isonzo, Vicenza, Corti Benedettine del Padovano
Finished wine Character: aromas of yellow flowers, and a bit of sweet spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, mango, lychee and white pepper, more herbal and spicier then bianco, touch lower in acidity

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Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Zibbibo (Moscato di Alessandria)
Colour: White 343
Location: Sicily
Relationships: Natural crossing between Moscato Bianco & Axina de Tres Bias (Trifera, Uva di Tre Volte, Tre Volte I’Anno. Progenitor of at least fourteen different cultivars ex. Grillo (Md’A x cataratto), and Malvasia del Lazio (Md’A x Schiava Grossa), an Moscatello Selvatico (Md’A x Bombino Bianco).
In SA in crossings such as Cereza, Moscatel Amarillo, Torrontes Mendocino, Torrontes Sanjuanino.
Mistaken for / synonyms: identical to 7 Spanish Moscatels; Moscatel de Jerez, Moscatel de Malaga, Moscatel Gardo Blanco, and Moscatel de Setúbal in Portugal. Greece’s Moschato Alexandreias, Limnos, and red berried black muscat of Alexandria (USA), Red Hanepoot (SA). There are no official clones.
Traits in the vineyard: large compact bunches that are conical-pyramidal, and slightly elongated, with medium-large oval round berries, w yellow green thick skins, bigger and juicer than Moscato Bianco. Susceptible to odium & Zinc deficiency.
Grand Crus
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: DOC- Erice, Sicillia, Pantelleria.
Finished wine character: More saline and rasinated, with floral and orange blossom, but more orange jam, caramel, sweet figs in sugar syrup.

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Moscato di Scanzo

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Moscato di Scanzo
Colour: Red
Location: Lombardy
Relationship/family: the progeny of Moscato bianco & an unidentified second parent, making it a direct relative of 5 other Moscato’s or Moscato like vartietals
Mistaken for / synonyms:
Traits in the vineyard: Pyramidal, elongated, and sparse bunches which are medium-sized, with blue-black berries and covered with copious bloom, good disease resistance, but is susceptible to grey rot. Planted a relatively high altitudes 350m
Grand Crus: Grown in the countryside surrounding the towns of Scanzorosciate & Bergmo
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG – smallest DOCG in Italy (6h)
Finished wine character: one of the few red sweet wines in the world that combines laser-like precision of spicy red berry and violet aromas and flavours and high acidity, when they are not excessively air dried the have lightness and fragrance. Wines often have over 15% abv. By law wines must have 50-100gr of residual sugar & 4.5 gr per liter of total acid.

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Moscato Rosa

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Moscato Rosa
Colour: Red #156
Location: Alto-Adige, Trentino, FVG
Relationship/family: The Croatian grape Muskat Ruza Porecki was proven identical to Rosenmuskateller and thought possible Dalmatian origin. Moscato Rosa has a parent –offspring relationship to Moscato Bianco, so half-sibbling or grandchild of four other Moscato varieties (Scanzo, Giallo, Alessandria, and Violetto (very rare in Italy).
Mistaken for / synonyms: Rosenmuskateller in Alto Adige
Traits in the vineyard: elongated, pyramidal, medium large bunch and ripens late sept/early oct. Berries are smaller then most and have thin skins, so susceptible to botrytis. Flowers are physiologically female only, so Rosa needs another polenating variety present in the vineyards to avoid poor fruit set. Affected by millerandage. Great for air-drying, dehydrates easily and quickly. Sandy soils are ideal
Grand Crus: The Trentino Moscato Rosa is considered traditional to Italy and the true Moscato Rosa
Traits in the winery: high geraniol content (an aromatic molecule more commonly found in members of the malvasias)
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: most common in Alto-Adige, wines labelled Alto-Adige Moscato rosa are best (only comprised of 80% moscato rosa). In Friuli DOC Isonzo it’s 85%. No blending partners listed.
Finished wine character: Smells intensely of roses, extremely floral yet fruity aromas and flavours of rose, red cherry, strawberry jelly, and rasp, together with notes of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.

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Refosco Group

Grapes, regions, colours

Refosco dal Peduncolo - Colour: Red #205
Location: FVG, Veneto
Refosco Nostrano - Colour: Red, #206
Location: FVG
Refoscone - Colour: Red, not registered
Location: FVG, mainly in Colli Orientali DOC
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Refosco dal Peduncolo

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Refosco dal Peduncolo
Colour: Red #205
Location: FVG, Veneto
Relationship/family: some thought it was Monduse Noire. Teroldego was spontaneously crossed twice with the same unknown grape to create Lagrein, this grape and another unknown grape gave birth to Refosco dal Pedunculo Rosso most likely in Fruili making Teraldego the grandfather. Refosco del Peduncolo is a parent of Corvina and a grandparent of Rondinella.
Mistaken for / synonyms:
Biotypes: Best clones are ISV-Fi, ISV-F4 Troppani (one of the most widely planted) VC14 least sensitive to botrytis).
Traits in the vineyard: ripens one to two weeks earlier, its stalks. Med-large, pyramid bunch with one small wing and med-small, very dark blue berries with thin but resistant skins
reddens once grapes are fully ripe. The underside of its leaves are milky-white covered in a downy sheen that is absent from the greenish underside of leaves of all other Refoscos. Adapts well to just about any soil type but does best in nutrient poor, calcareous clay soils and hillside locations. It needs to ripen well in order to avoid green, vegetal aromas and flavours.
Grand Crus: the best wines come from DOC Colli Orientali del Friuli, Friuli Grave, Friuli Grave, Friuli Annia, Friuli Latisana. Also grown in Mendoza, and Chile’s Colchagua.
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG
Finished wine character: dried red cherries, fresh herbs, almonds, and flowers (lavender & geranium, violet). Often short with aromas and flavours and on the finish, tannins can be tough. A reductive variety, lots of air needed in the immediate post- fermentation phase. Small barrels also serve to smoothen the variety’s angular tannins. Underripeness shows green qualities similar to cab.

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Refosco Nostrano

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Refosco Nostrano
Colour: Red, #206
Location: FVG, native to the country side around Faedis, and Torreano. 11 IGTs
Relationship/family: Parent-offspring relationships exist between Refosco Nostrano and Tazzelenghe (refosco del Boton), and the very rare Refosco Gentil (or di Rauscedo)
Mistaken for / synonyms: Refosco di Faedis (the town of Fedis is considered the epicenter of production)
Biotypes: Refosco Ronchis. There are 5 official clones available to producers.
Traits in the vineyard: Characterized by leaves of variable appearance even within the same plant, a rarity in the grapevine kingdom, some round, others pentagonal. Large Berries and copious yields with strong vigor
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery: Refosco di Faedis wines have even taken to producing their riserva wines which require a minimum of 2 years aging, 18 months of it in five-hundred liter barrels or large oak casks. Bottles carry the same black label with a gold eagle. Its less reductive than Refosco del Peduncolo Rosso.
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: 1 DOC Colli Orientali, 11 IGT’s
Finished wine character: Fruitier with more pronounced floral (lavender, iris, rose), delicate and spicy notes of cardamom, cinnamon, and marjoram, sometimes a note of red licorice. They tend to be more acidic then tannic.

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Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Colour: Red, not registered
Location: FVG, mainly in Colli Orientali DOC
Mistaken for / synonyms: Berzamino
Traits in the vineyard: Very Large pentagonal leaves with 3-5 lobes often superimposed. It’s bunch is conical and very large and is med to tightly packed, with anywhere from four wings. Dark Blue round berries. Ripens late in the year exposing it to Friuli’s very rainy late season. Thin skins with compact bunches makes it susceptible to botrytis, and succumbs easily to odium.
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery: High total anthocyanin concentration, especially malvin & dolphin which are two more darker & stable pigments.
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG
Finished wine character: No pure examples made, microvinifications of 100% refoscone are violet with delicate vegetal notes, tough but not unpleasant tannins, though all lacked flesh.

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Schiava Group:

Grapes, regions, colour

Schiava Gentil - Colour: Red #222
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige, Lombardy
Schiava Grigia - Colour: Red
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige
Schiava Grosso: Colour: Red
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige, Lombardy
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Schiava Gentil

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Schiava Gentil
Colour: Red #222
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige, Lombardy
Relationship/family: Genetically similar to some Moscatos, and has some common features with Turchetta and Pavana in Veneto.
Mistaken for / synonyms: Schiava Piccola, Rothervernatsch due to small bunches.
Biotypes: Only one officially certified clone R-I.
Traits in the vineyard: Can often have slightly bigger berries mixed in with typically smaller ones even in the same bunch. Can be distinguishes from other Schiavas by it’s bunch as it’s medium large grape bunch as the leaf is similar in all 3. Bunch is med-sized, loosely packed, pyramidal with one obvious wing. Berries are med sized and round but irregular in size and shape. Mildly susceptible to oidium
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: 6 DOC in trentino & Alto adige region, and 22 IGT incuding areas of Tuscany.
Finished wine character: Monovarietals are rare. Plae red to dark pink, fresh red fruit, redcurrant, strawberry, sour red cherry, and floral (buttercup, violet) aromas and flavours. Wine is high in acid and a good candidate for rosato

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Schiava Grigia

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Schiava Grigia
Colour: Red
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige
Mistaken for / synonyms: Grauvernatsch
Biotypes: Apparently identical to the Ceneria variety of trentino. No official certified clone
Traits in the vineyard: the ‘grigio’ in the name referes to the copious bloom that gives a grey look to it’s dark-blue berries. Larger, pentagonal leaf, higher vigor and less compact pyramid-shape bunch then Gentil. Presents millerandage in cold rainy springs, ans most sensitive to odium
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG
Finished wine character: Monovarietals only found in Alto-Adige. Wine is always bright pink, and exudes aromas of violet, red currant, pomegranate, and marzipan, with slightly salty-sour tang. Most refined wines of all schiavas produced.

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Schiava Grosso:

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Schiava Grosso:
Colour: Red
Location: Trentino, Alto-Adige, Lombardy
Relationship/family:White Malvasia del Lazio and the black table grape Moscato d’Amburgo are both progenies of Schiava Grosso x Moscato d’Alessandria. Parent to Maeleine Royale (no longer cultivated), and grand parent of Müller-Thurgau. Parent of Kerner (Schiava Grossa x Riesling), Rotberger (Schiava Grossa x Riesling) not grown in Italy. Bukettraube, Sylvaner x Schiava Grossa crossing also not grown in Italy.
Mistaken for / synonyms: Edel-Vernatsch, Gross Vernatsch, and Trollinger (Alto-Adige, Austria, and Germany). Black Hamburg, Black Tripoli in UK. Bressana around city of Brescia (Lombardy).
Biotypes: Tschaggele. 19 officially certified clones.
Traits in the vineyard: Big bunches of berries which are cone shaped and more compact, berries are irregular in shape and size but usually larger then other Schiava. highest yielding Schiava. Larger but otherwise similar leaves to those of Schiava Gentile
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: 5 DOCs in Trentino-Alto Adige, and 18 IGT’s
Finished wine character: More delicate aromas and flavours, with higher acidity

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The Groppello Group:

Grapes, Regions, Colour

Gropello di Mocasina - Colour: Red #102
Location: Lombardy
Gropello di Revó - Colour: Red #380
Location: Lombardy
Groppello Gentile - Colour: Red #104
Location: Lombardy, Trentino

Groppello Gentile:

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Groppello Gentile
Colour: Red #104
Location: Lombardy, Trentino
Mistaken for / synonyms:
Biotypes: Groppellone – larger bunches and berries
Traits in the vineyard: extremely compact bunch, reminiscent of a closed fist or a knot. Cylindical-conical bunches so compact that the berries are slightly flattened due to being squeezed together, Gentil are always winged grape bunch and tri-lobbed leaf. Disease resistant, though their compact nature of their bunch makes them sensitive to botrytis bunch rot. Sensitive to water retention, making grey rot a broplem when planted in water logged soils.
Grand Crus: Valtènesi in the heart of Garda Classico. Light sandy, gravelly soils that do not allow for water retention.
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG – 1 DOC – Riviera del Garda Classico, 22 IGTs – including some in Tuscany.
Finished wine character: Bright acid, lively tannins, and intense aromas of cherries, violet, tobacco with lots of spice (marjoram, olive wood, and black pepper), best drank within a year. As it’s berries are bigger then other Groppellos it’s best for Rosato and light red wine production.


Gropello di Revó:

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Gropello di Revó
Colour: Red #380
Location: Lombardy
Relationship/family: Most ancient of the Groppellos.
Mistaken for / synonyms:
Traits in the vineyard: extremely compact bunch, reminiscent of a closed fist or a knot. All Groppellos have Cylindical-conical bunches so compact that the berries are slightly flattened due to being squeezed together. Pentagonal leaf. Disease resistant, though their compact nature of their bunch makes them sensitive to botrytis bunch rot.
Grand Crus:
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG – 3 IGTs – Trevenezie, vigneti delle Dolomiti, Vallagarina.
Finished wine character: Bright acid, lively tannins, and intense aromas of cherries, violet, tobacco with lots of spice (marjoram, olive wood, and black pepper), best drank within a year. Monovarietals are characterized by a black pepper aroma and flavour. High concentrations of rotundone, smells of black pepper


Gropello di Mocasina

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Gropello di Mocasina
Colour: Red #102
Location: Lombardy
Mistaken for / synonyms: Gropello di Santo Stefano #103
Traits in the vineyard: extremely compact bunch, reminiscent of a closed fist or a knot. Cylindical-conical bunches so compact that the berries are slightly flattened due to being squeezed together, cluster is almost never winged. Smallest bunch and berries of all. Pentagonal leaf with a downy undersurface. Disease resistant, though their compact nature of their bunch makes them sensitive to botrytis bunch rot. Very vigorous variety, sensitive to magnesium and postssium deficiencies of the soil, as well as botrytis bunch rot.
Grand Crus: less then 50ha planted. Most in Lombardy.
Traits in the winery:
Blending partners, DOC & DOCG: blended with Barbera, sangiovese, and Marzmino. Often used in blends cause it’s light in colour and low in acid, perfume enhanced in blends. 1 DOC – Riviera del Garda Classico, 12 IGTs.
Finished wine character: Bright acid, lively tannins, and intense aromas of cherries, violet, tobacco with lots of spice (marjoram, olive wood, and black pepper), best drank within a year. Monovarietals tend to be more vegetal, or herbal



Grapes, colour, regions DOC/Gs.


Lambrusco di Sobara 115 - Red
Where: ER, Modena=best, also in province of Reggio
Lambrusco Grasparossa 116 Red
Where - ER- south of Modena, also Reggio
Lambrusco Maestri 117 most widely dispersed
Where - ER, more abundant around Reggio than Modena and Parma, Lombardy
Lambrusco Marani - Red 118
Where - ER, more in Reggio and Mantovano (Lombardy) Lambrusco Salamino 120 Red 4000ha=most planted
Where - ER, town of Santa Croce\
Lambrusco Viadanese 121 Red
Where - Lombardy, ER. Town of Viadana=birthplace?


Lambrusco Viadanese 121

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Lambrusco Viadanese 121
Where: Lombardy, ER. Town of Viadana=birthplace?
AKA/Mistaken for Gropello Ruperti (viticulturist Ruperti) butis incorrect syn.
Viticulture: looks like Salamino but more compact bunch. 6 clones. Grand crus: 2 subzones- Viadanese Sabbiotano, Olterpo Mantovano
Finished wine rare to find on monovarietal
Blending Partners Maestri, Marani in Lombardy
DOC/IGT 2 DOC Mantovano, Reggiano, 15 IGT


Lambrusco Salamino

Colour, region, Mistaken for, biotypes, traits in vineyard & winery, Blending partners, DOC/Gs, Grand crus.


Lambrusco Salamino 120 4000ha=most planted
Where -ER, town of Santa Croce
AKA/Mistaken for L Galassi, Lambruschino
Viticulture- vigorus, reliable,ripens late, likes fresh soils, rot resistant, long cylindar bunch, small berries-random sized.
Grand crus: santa croce
Finished wine tends to be off dry-sweeter, fruity, creamy, tannic, exhuberant, rose, violet, dark berries
Blending Partners Lambrusco family in ER, with Marani and Viadanese in Lombardy
DOC/IGT 6 DOC- di Santa Croce, Reggiano Salamino, Reggiano, Modena, CdSeC, Mantovano, 15 IGT