families and relationships statistics Flashcards
young and willmott
argued the symmetrical famliy had spread to all social classes
ulrich beck and Elizabeth beck
argued the undergoing process of individualisation whereby individuals chose their own lifestyle and identities
how many lone parents with dependent children in 2013
1.9 million
2013 how many same sex couples were there
8,000 civil partnerships
5,000 cohabating coupels
emile Durkheim
individuals are more focused on their own needs rather then their role in the larger social structures
when did the number of ,marridges peak in the UK
1940 with 470,500
% remarriages in 1940
% of remarriages in 2012
% of people over 16 cohabiting in 2012
how many cohabiting couples had dependent children
compared to 38% of married couples
however married couples were more likely to have more then one child
cohabiting couples in 2012
2.8 million oposite sex
69,000 same sex
what % of couples cohabit before marriage in 1980-1984
what % of couples cohabit before marriage in 2004-07
how many people aged 20-34 were living with their parents
1/3 men
1/6 women
what did the 1989 social attutides suvaray find
71% of people agree or strongly agree with the stament ‘‘people who want to have children ought to get married’’
in 2012 this was only 42%
in 2012 75% of people agreed that sex before marriage was rarely wrong