Families and relationships Flashcards
What is heterosexual?
Sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
What is homosexual?
Sexually attracted to members of the same sex
What are the Buddhist approaches to homosexuality?
The Buddha did not give teaching related to same-sex relationships. Many Buddhists would say that the five moral precepts apply as much to same-sex relationships as to opposite-sex relationships. What matters is that there is consent and respect ✊, regardless of the gender of the people involved.
What are the British attitude towards homosexuality?
Many people in Britain agree with the Buddhist viewpoint that sexual acts should be living, respectful, and that sex which is purely driven by physical desire may cause emotional 😭 harm to those involved. Some people, including many Christians, believe that sex expresses a deep commitment that should be reserved for marriage. Currently, same-sex marriage is legal in the UK 🇬🇧, but same-sex couples are not allowed to get married in most churches ⛪.
What are the Catholic attitudes towards homosexuality?
The Catholic Church ⛪ teaches that homosexual acts are sinful and that homosexuals should refrain from sex. This contrast with the widely held view in British society that homosexuals should be entitled to the same rights as anyone else, including that right to marry and the right to have sexual relationships
What is marriage?
A legal union between a man and a woman (or in some countries, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship.
What is cohabitation?
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
What is the Christian view of marriage?
Marriage is a covenant, a sacred bond between a man and a woman, created by and publicly entered into before God and normally consummated by sexual intercourse.
It involves just two people (for most Christians, one man and one woman) and is intended to be lifelong.
What is the Buddhist view of marriage?
Don’t view marriage as a religious duty or sacred act
Marriage is regarded as a social contract and not a religious rite
Personal choice
Buddhist weddings are secular, non-religious occasions
Monks may bless the marriage after the wedding 👰🏻 ceremony, but they cannot conduct the ceremony itself
Having children 👶🏻 is not viewed as an important purpose of marriage in Buddhism
Buddhists are not expected to feel any religious obligation or pressure to have children 👶🏻: it should be purely by choice
What are two Christian Quotes for sex outside of marriage?
Bible states: ‘The sexual act must take place within a marriage, outside a marriage is always seen as a sin.’
In the Ten Commandments it states: ‘adultery is wrong’
What are two bible quotes for contraception?
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth 🌏 and subdue it” Genesis 1:28
“Love your neighbour as yourself” Mark 12:31
What is the Roman Catholic teaching of contraception?
Teaches that artificial contraception goes against God’s design for a married couple
What is the Church of England teaching of contraception?
Believes it’s responsible to ensure children 👶🏻 are planned at a time when you can take care of them.
But whilst most Protestants would allow preventative contraception, many would disagree with forms of contraception that destroy a fertilised egg 🥚, e.g. the coil
What is the Buddhist teaching of contraception?
In general, are accepting of preventative forms of contraception. Some Buddhists would reject forms of contraception that destroy a fertilised egg because this might be seen as violating the first precept
Not a sacred duty to have Children 👶🏻 Buddhism
What is the Roman Catholic view of divorce?
Divorce is not just wrong, it is impossible
Believe marriage is a sacrament that is permanent and the couples make vows before God that cannot be broken. Therefore, even if they do divorce they are still married in God’s eyes 👀. A marriage can only end in the case of annulment (a ruling that a marriage was never valid).
What is the general Christian view of divorce?
Almost all Christians are agreed that divorce is not a good thing. But some are more accepting that divorce can be “the lesser of the two evils” in certain situations.
What is the Buddhist view of divorce?
There is no official teaching on divorce. In most Buddhist countries, divorce rates are lower and divorce is not approved by society. But some Buddhists accept divorce and remarriage because:
Divorce may be considered a compassionate action
Unhappiness may prevent the couple from achieving enlightenment
An unhappy 🙁 marriage may cause suffering
No religious content to a marriage in between Buddhists and so ‘undoing’ that marriage is not a religious problem
What does Matthew 19 say about divorce/remarriage?
Matthew 19 says that Moses only gave permission to divorce their wives because they were so hard to teach. If a man divorces his wife for any other cause other than her unfaithfulness, he commits adultery if he marries another woman
What are the reasons when marriage/divorce is acceptable?
1 Corinthians: If your non Christian spouse decides to leave you
Matthew 19: Unfaithfulness
What is an extended family?
A family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives
What is a nuclear family?
A couple and their dependent children 👶🏻 regarded as a basic social unit
What is polygamy?
The practice or custom of having more than one ☝️ wife or husband at the same time.
What are the Buddhist view of same-sex parents?
Buddhist teachings suggests that the values, morals and love shown in a family are more important that the gender of the parents
What are two Buddhist teachings of Gender equality?
The aparimitayur Sutra suggests women must be reborn as men before they can achieve enlightenment. Some Buddhists still believe this today. In contrast, the Lotus Sutra teaches that men and women are equal in their ability to practice and attain enlightenment.
The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, said there was no reason why his successor could not be a woman.
What do Christians believe about gender equality?
Christians believe that all people have been created as equals in the image of God. The command to love one’s neighbour means that discrimination is wrong. Jesus treated women with respect, welcomed them as disciples, and showed in the story of Mary and Martha that they were capable of things other than domestic tasks.
Most Christians today see marriage as an equal partnership where the different gifts 🎁 of each person, male and female, strengthen family life
What do some traditional Christians believe about gender equality?
Believe that men are the head of the family and that women should mainly stay at home and care for the children.
What are some bible quotes for gender equality?
“With painful 😖 labour you will give birth to children 👶🏻. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” Genesis 3:16
“Nor is there male and female, for you are all one ☝️ in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28
What is the first precept?
Refrain from harm