Christian Beliefs And Teachings Flashcards
What is Catholic?
A branch of Christianity, based in Rome and led by the Pope
What is Orthodox?
A branch of Christianity mainly, but not entirely, practiced in Eastern Europe
What is Protestant?
A branch of Christianity, originally Protestants were called by that name because they protested against some of the practices of the Catholic Church; there are many Protestant denominations, but they agree on the central belief that the Bible is the only authority for Christians
What is a denomination?
A distinct group within the Christian faith, with its own organisation and traditions
What is God?
The supreme being
What does monotheistic mean?
A religion that believes there is only one God
What does holy mean?
Separate and set apart for a special purpose by God
How old is Christianity?
Over 2000 years old, with roots that go even further back into history
What belief is Christianity founded on?
Is founded on a belief that 2000 years ago Jesus died and rose from the dead. Christianity initially grew as early followers spread the teachings of the resurrected Jesus, and the messages inspired by Jesus’ disciples as the apostle Paul.
In what year did the faith split into Western Roman Christianity (now known as the church), led by the Pope, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity?
In 1054
When was the Western Roman Church in England split?
In the sixteenth century when King Henry VIII declared himself the head of the newly established Church of England
What event is known as the Reformation?
In the sixteenth hundred when Christians in Western Europe were breaking away from the Roman Church, and the Protestant branch of Christianity was forming
What are the three main branches of Christianity?
Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant
What do all Christians believe?
There is only one God, who they believe creates and sustains all that exists
What are two religious quotes that show that there is only one God?
A key Christian statement of belief called the Niceness Creed begins: ‘We believe in one God’
The first of the Ten Commandments that Christians should obey is:
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt 🇪🇬, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me” Exodus 20:2-3
Do Christians believe God is Male?
Although many Christians refer to God as ‘he’ and ‘father’, they do not believe that God is Male. God is thought to exist without the restrictions of gender, showing both traditional ideas of male characteristics, such as power and strength, together with traditional ideas of female characteristics, such as care, gentleness and love
How do Christians describe God?
Describing God is very difficult. God is sometimes pictured in the sky in a human form but Christians do not believe God has a physical human body.
How does the Bible describe God?
The Bible says that God is spirit (John 4:24) and, in Luke 24:39, it is written that a spirit does not have flesh and bones.
However in Hebrews 1:3, it says that Jesus was God’s son, and is the exact representation of God on earth. God has no restrictions caused by physicality but exists as a spiritual being that defies description. Christians consider God to be holy, which means something set apart from everything else for a special purpose, and worthy of worship
What does omnipotent mean?
Almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God
What does Benevolent mean?
All-loving, all-good; a quality of God
What does justice mean?
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed
What is a Bible quote that shows that God is omnipotent?
In the Bible, the angel Gabriel answered Mary when she questioned her forthcoming pregnancy:
“Nothing is impossible with God”
How does God being all-loving influence Christians?
Encourages Christians to love each other in their daily lives by treating everybody with care and respect
What do Christians believe God’s greatest act of love was?
Sending God’s Son, Jesus, to earth 🌏
“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16
What is the Bible definition of love?
‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
What does the Bible definition of lives suggest?
Suggests some qualities that Christians should aspire to. Many Christians recognise the importance attached to this description of love by choosing to have it read at their wedding ceremony
How does God being just influence Christians?
At the ultimate source of justice, God will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression. Therefore Christians should do all they can to prevent these wrongs wherever they encounter them.
What is the problem with evil and suffering?
Many people question why a loving God would allow people to suffer, rather than prevent the evil actions of others from happening. Christians believe that a just God treats all people fairly and is incapable of making a wrong judgement. Therefore, Christians are sure that they can trust God even when things appear to be going wrong.
What is the trinity?
The belief that there are three persons in the One God; the father, the son and the Holy Spirit are separate, but are also one being
What is the Holy Spirit?
The third person of the trinity whom Christians believe is the inspiring presence of God In the world.
What is the Son of God?
A title used for Jesus, the second person of the Trinity; denotes the special relationship between Jesus and God the father
What three things does the trinity describe?
There is only one God
Each person of the Trinity is fully God
The persons of the Trinity are not the same
God the father is believed to be the creator of what?
The earth and all living things on it. As creator of life, he acts as a good father would towards his children. He is believed to be all powerful (omnipotent), all loving (omnibenevolent), all knowing (omniscient) and present everywhere (omnipresent)
What do Christians believe God sent the Holy Spirit to do once Jesus had left the earth?
To influence, guide and sustain the earth and all life on it. The Holy Spirit is believed to be the unseen power of God at work in the world in the past, present and future
What is creation?
The act by which God brought the universe into being
What is the Word?
Term used at the beginning of John’s gospel to refer to God as the son
What is an example of a Bible quote that proves God made the world?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light” Genesis 1:1-3
How many days is the creation believed to have taken place?
6 days and on the 7th he rested
What was the last of God’s creations?
Life, including humans
What is the role of the spirit in the creation?
It is interesting to note the reference to ‘the spirit of God’ hovering over the waters. It could be argued that even though God the Father is referred to as the creator, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, was already active in what has become the world. This perhaps reinforces the oneness of God rather than the three ‘persons’ of the Trinity.
What does the Word tell us?
‘The Word’ refers to God the Son, who entered history as Jesus. This shows that not only was the Holy Spirit involved in the creation, but that the Son was as well. Thus the whole of the Trinity were involved and have existed since the beginning. Christians believe that the three ‘persons’ of the Trinity are not part of a chain with God the Son replacing God the Father and in turn being replaced by the Holy Spirit.
What is the incarnation?
Becoming flesh, taking a human form
What is the resurrection?
Jesus rising from the dead on Easter Day. An event recorded in all four gospels and the central belief of Christianity
What is blasphemy?
A religious offence which includes claiming to be God
What is an example of a Bible quote that shows how Mary got pregnant?
“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit” Matthew 1:18
Through the incarnation form, God showed himself as human being for how many years?
Around 30 years
How does the Virgin conception give evidence for the belief shared by Christians, that Jesus is incarnate?
Made flesh in human form, fully God yet fully human and thus God the Son as part of the Trinity.
How do Christians explain and accept as truth some of Jesus’ actions whilst on earth, including miracles and his resurrection?
The belief that Jesus was God incarnate. This gives his words, deeds and promises great authority because they are the word of God, delivered by a man who was fully God as well as fully human.
What is the crucifixion?
The execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday
Who sentenced Jesus to death?
He was sentenced to death by Pontus Pilate, the Roman Govener
Why did Jesus forgive the guards who crucified him?
Because they did not realise the significance of what was going on.
What is the impact of the crucifixion for Christians today?
It gives them confidence that if they accept Jesus’ sacrifice, sin can no longer destroy their lives because God forgives those who faithfully ask for forgiveness. They believe that suffering is a part of life, just as it was a part of Jesus’ life and that, having also experienced it, God understands what the sufferer is going through
How was Jesus buried?
Once Jesus was dead, and the Roman guards had made sure that he was, a man called Joseph from Arimathea asked for the body of Jesus so he could bury it. Joseph was a member of the council that had pressed for Jesus to be crucified but he had himself disagreed with it. As there was insufficient time to bury Jesus properly because the Sabbath day of rest and religious observance was due to start, he laid the body of Jesus in a cave-like tomb and rolled a large stone to block the entrance.
What is ascension?
The event 40 days after the resurrection, when Jesus returned to God, the Father, in heaven
What is heaven?
A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God; the place of eternal peace ruled over by God
Who found out that Jesus had resurrected first?
Early on Sunday morning after Shabbat had ended, some of Jesus’ female followers went to the tomb to anoint the body and prepare it for burial. The body of Jesus was nowhere to be found, a fact that was reported to the disciples. Angles told them that Jesus had risen from the dead and that they should pass on the word to his followers, including the disciples.
What did Jesus do for the next few weeks once he had been resurrected?
Jesus appeared to several people, including Mary Magdalene and the disciples, telling each that he had risen from the dead as he had predicted to them when he was alive. This ensured the story spread quickly and that there were several different witnesses to the claim that he had risen.
What is the significance of the resurrection and ascension for Christians today?
Christians believe the resurrection shows the power of good over evil
Christians believe that by accepting Jesus, they can be resurrected in some way. Therefore they have no need to fear death
Jesus’ resurrection assures Christians that God will forgive their sins if they follow the teachings of Christianity. By doing so, they will become closer to God in this life and beyond
For Christians, the ascension shows that Jesus is with God. It paves the way for the coming of the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and guidance
Without the resurrection, there would be no Christian faith
What are different Christian opinions about what happens when a person who has died is resurrected?
Some believe that a person’s soul is resurrected very soon after death occurs. Others believe that some time in the future, when Jesus will return to judge, the dead will be raised. The Catholic and Some Orthodox Churches are quite clear that this resurrection will be a bodily one and that people will once again receive their old body but transformed into a glorified state in which suffering will not exist
What do Christians believe in life after death?
By trusting inGod her life after death will remain in the presence of God.
What is afterlife?
What Christians believe follows life on earth
What is the day of judgement?
A time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by God and rewarded or punished
What do Christians believe about the afterlife?
That human beings receive eternal life as a gift from God, and so a belief in the afterlife is for Christians dependent on a belief in God. The afterlife either begins upon death or at the Day of Judgement when Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead, as the Apostles Creed says. At this time, Christians believe their souls, enter a different dimension about which little is known
What is the Apostles’ Creed and what does it say about the afterlife?
A statement of Christian Belief dating back to around 400CE but which is still considered to be important today, contains the following beliefs: “He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead: I believe in… the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting”