Families and Households paper2 section 1 Flashcards
what perspective and viewpoint do functionalists take and is their view on the family positive or negative?
- functionalists have a consensus perspective
-they take a macro view on society
-they say families have a positive and important role in society
what is Murdock’s Four major functions theory?
-Murdock believes the family performs four major functions
-Education- socialisation
What does Emile Durkheim- functionalist- believe the family do
- Emile Durkheim believes the family are important in creating value consensus and he believes the family is central in integrating individuals into society so that it functions properly. It is important for creating social solidarity and a collective conscious.
what is Talcott Parsons - functionalist - two irreducible functions of the family theory?
-Talcott Parsons believes the family has two main roles
- The primary socialisation of children to internalise societies culture
-The stabilisation of adult personalities- warm bath theory- husband worries about money and job and his family act as a warm bath to wash this away so family provides emotional security
What are the key criticisms of the functionalists view on the family?
- functions of the family could be performed equally well by other institutions
- Marxists and Feminists say it has a rose tinted view as the family is oppressive and serves the neds of men and capitalism
- Morgan states the functionalists view on the family over emphasises the importance and efficiency and the approach has painted a picture of family life which is too good to be true.
what is Marxist perspective and view on society and do they believe the family is positive or negative?
-Marxists are a conflict perspective that take a macro view on society
-they say the family plays a negative role in society as it upholds the capitalist ideology
What are some Marxist theorists views on the family?
-Engles - the family ensures the wealthy stay wealthy through inheritance and marriage
-Zaretsky - he family offers a haven from he hard world of capitalism but this is an illusion as it is based off the un-payed labour of women The family also produce the next labour force and are a unit of consumption- media target children
-L Althusser- the family is an ideological state apparatus that indoctrinates the working class into a state of false consciousness
What are the positives of the Marxist view on the family?
-not a natural institution but has taken on the form that it has to serve the needs of capitalism
-a vehicle of social control
-ideological state apparatus along with the media, education and religion
-shaped by the economic base
What are the negatives of the Marxist view on society?
- too stereotypical -ignores family diversity
-too deterministic- views people as passive
-overemphasises the degree to which parents can socialise children into the philosophies of capitalism
-exaggerate that it is a function for capitalism whereas functionalists would say its for society as a whole
-places too much emphasis on capitalism exploiting women as it is not just capitalism but the patriarchy so they both ned to be eradicated is what a feminist would say
what is a liberal feminists view on the family?
- women’s oppression is gradually being overcome by changing attitudes and change in the law- sex discrimination act 1975 and more shared domestic labour
-gender equality has not been achieved but its a gradual change
-they hold a similar view to march of progress theorists like Willmott and Young
What is liberal feminist J Bernard’s view on marriage
Marriage is only beneficial for men and married women and women suffer more illness and initiate more divorce
What are the pros and cons of liberal feminism?
pros- outlines women’s disadvantaged position
-shows how the patriarchy can be challenged without a revolution
cons- doesn’t challenge the underlying cause of women’s oppression
-Oakley argues women still do most of the housework
-Henwood shows that although women go to work they don’t earn as much as their male counterparts
What do Marxist feminists believe about the family?
Marxist feminist believe that it is capitalism that causes women’s oppression not the patriarchy.
-women reproduce the labour force through their un-payed domestic labour
-women absorb anger- takers of shit-that would otherwise be directed at capitalism
-women are the reserve army of cheap labour -when no longer needed they can be let go.
what is Benson - Marxist feminist- theory on the family
-women bear the next generation of wage slaves so if women have children who are male they become the next generation of capitalist wage slaves
What is Ansley’s theory on the family as a Marxist feminist?
- women are the takers of shit - slave husbands release their anger from their built up alienated work on their wives therefore they are an anti revolutionary element in society.