Families and Households: Family Diversity Flashcards
Statistics about Families and Households
1) In 2016, there were 18.9 million families in the UK, increasing from 16.6 million in 1996.
2) 12.7 million married or civil partner couple families, this was the most common family type.
3) Cohabiting couples fastest growing family type doubling from 1.5 million to 3.3 million.
4) In 2016, around 7.7 million people lived alone in the UK, majority were women.
Is cohabitation replacing marriage? Why might this be the case?
Weddings can be expensive.
Less social stigma.
Cheal : fragmentation of family life
No longer live a modern world that is predictable with orderly structures like the nuclear family.
Family structures are more fragmented and diverse and individuals have greater choice in their lifestyles, personal relationships and family arrangements.
Hareven : Life course analysis
Family structures aren’t completely fixed. They change over time depending on the situations in peoples lives.
Morgan : blurring of family identities
Argues that there is no point in making large scale generalisations about the family as if it were a single thing as functionalist do.
Members participate by constructing a life course and relationships within the family due to their own decisions.
Stacey : postmodern families
Greater choice for women gives them the ability to break out of patriarchal oppressions and shape their families to their needs.
Giddens : the individuation thesis
Family and marriage has been transformed by greater choice and equality betweeen men and women. With greater choice, personal relationships inevitably become less stable and can be ended by either party at any time.
Beck : Risk society and the negotiated family
Tradition has less influence and people have more choice. This means we are more aware of risks and we calculate the risks and rewards of different actions and decisions. The patriarchal family has been undermined by greater gender equality and greater individualism. This has given rise to the negotiated family who do not conform to any one standard or traditional family norm.
Explain what is meant by the term Zombie Family
In todays risk society, people turn to their families in hope of finding security. As family relationships are now unstable they are unable to provide security for their members. Concept of family appears to be alive but is in fact dead as family can no longer provide security haven for its members.
Define cereal packet family
Ideological nuclear family portrayed in the media (advertisements of household products and the types of families promoted in the process)
Functionalist perspective on family diversity
Family has moved away from being extended and is now nuclear. Kinship networks once relied on in families are no longer necessary as there are many other institutions that fulfil these roles. The family has become privatised.
Challenges idea nuclear family has taken over extended family. The extended family still remains an important source of help and support
Modified extended family
Extended kin are less likely to live with each other now but maintain the strong support networks despite geographical distance.
Define Local extended family
Traditional horizontal or vertical extended family where members will live with each other
Define dispersed extended family
Wider kin might live far away but links are maintained through technology. Parsons would reject this as an extended family and argue that it demonstrates isolated nuclear families.
Define attenuated extended family
Single people might move away from their kin