Familiar English Flashcards
ad nauseum
to vomit
ad infinitem
to infinity
Alma Mater
foster mother
different name
alter ego
another self
ante bellum
before the war
bona fide
in good faith
carpe diem
seize the day
cave canem
beware the dog
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
cum laude
with honors
magna cum laude
with great honors
summa cum laude
with the highest honors
ex libris
from library of
habeas corpus
to have a body
in absentia
in absence
in loco parentis
in place of parents
in memoriam
in memory
In perpetuum
forever, inperpetuity
magnum opus
great work; masterpiece
mea culpa
my bad
modus operandi
Mo-made of operation
non sequitur
it doesn’t follow logic
per annum
by the year
per centum
by the hunderd
per capita
by the head
per diem
per day
per se
by itself
persona non grata
person not welcome
post mortem
after death
pro bono publico
for the good of the public
pro et con
for and aganist
quid pro quo
something for something
semper fidelis
always faithful-marn=ines
status quo
current situation
terra firma
soild ground
terra incongito
unknown land
word for word
by the way
semper paratus
always prepared- coast guard
semper supra
always above- air force
semper fortis
always brave-navy
Tertia semper prima
Third, always first-army