False Light and Privacy Flashcards
Lawful expectation to privacy (SECLUSION)
You can only intrude where there is a lawful expectation to privacy
False light issue with Constitution
The first amendment, there is not a falsity element
The fourth element of the Oregon law is that the private information was not a of legitimate public concern, or did not have a substantial connection to a matter of legitimate public concern
False Light example of portrayal.
Whatever they’re portraying may be factually true, but is misrepresented and misleading.
Liz tippets room being redone so lots of boxes and home improvement. Being declared a hoarder with dangerous living conditions may be true, but are misrepresented.
Invasion of Privacy
*One who intentionally intrudes …upon the
o solitude or
o seclusion or
o private affairs
*[is liable] if the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.
You can only intrude where…
You can only intrude where there is a lawful expectation to privacy
Sanders v. abc
Privacy has a reasonable person standard, what does that mean?
Reasonable person: An objective standard for an average person. (Not subjective what we personally think does not matter).
The intrusion must be highly offensive.
Publication Defamation
Telling any 3rd person
Publication invasion of privacy
intentionally publishing online, in print, etc
Defense to invasion of privacy publication
Matter of Public concern
Claim in only available when the disclosure of private facts is not for the purpose of public concern.
Public concern Matter
- The social value of the information
- The extent of the intrusion into (plaintiff)’s privacy; and
- Whether (name of plaintiff) consented to the publicity explicitly or voluntarily seeking public attention or a public office; and
- Insert other applicable factor (we get to make these up)
How do we do false light problems?
When proving false light you have to walk through the wording, image, and article.
Types of Invasion of privacy
- Appropriation of Name or Likeness for use or benefit
- Intrusion: private life and information
- Publicizing private life
latter-day libel defense
Elements of False light
a)the defendant publicized a matter about the plaintiff to a substantial group of persons or to the public
b)the matter put the plaintiff in a false light
c)the false light would be highly offensive to a reasonable person; and
d)the defendant knew of the falsity or acted in reckless disregard of whether the matter was false or not
False light vs defamation
False light and defamation. The tort theoretically goes beyond defamation because the objectionable false light is not necessarily a defamatory one, only false and offensive
Intrusion upon Seclusion
One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude or seclusion of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.
Appropriate of Name or Likeness
- That name of defendant used name of plaintiff’s name, likeness, or identity without his/her permission;
- That name of defendant gained a commercial benefit (or some other advantage) by using name of plaintiff
Privacy interest weigh test
Privacy interest outweighs the public’s interest, you should consider where the information was used, the extent of the use, the public interest served by the use, and the seriousness of the interference with name of plaintiff’s property.
Actual malice standard
Fraud Defamation and False Light
The standard of actual malice is if you know its false and do it anyways.
Actual malice standard includes acting with reckless disregard of the truth