Falls and pressure sores Flashcards
Pressure Sores - epidemiology
£1.4-2b NHS cost
40% staff, 29% opportunity cost, 18% dressing, 13% beds/mattresses
Pressure sores - classification
stage I: non-blanching erythema
stage II: partial thickness
stage III: full thickness (subcut), slough
stage IV: exposure; slough/eschar - muscle/tendon/joint capsule reached / high risl of osteomyolitis
unclassified: obscured
pressure sores: bony, circ’d, circular, necrosis
suspected/unknown depth: discoloured intact skin
moisture lesion: folds/bony, diffuse spots, irreg, supf/partial, non-necrotic, maceration
Pressure sores - RF/screening
Braden score: sensory, moisture, mobility, activity, nutrition, activity
Glamorgan (kids), Cubbin/Jackson (CritCare)
Pressure sores - prevention
support - cusions, mattress (gel, foam, air)
skin Ax and photos - skin tolerance finger test
keep moving: 2-3h
incontinence: moisture
nutrition (MUST): healing - keep hydrated
Pressure sores - Mx
evaluate condition + RFs
interventions e.g. SSKIN
evaluation impact of interventions
report and refer
Pressure sores - impact
employment/earning sleep, appetite, mobility dignity, privacy, self-esteem, pain, anxiety, misery infection, septicaemia, osteomyelitis
Fall - definition
resting at lower level
not against other structures
not secondary/no external force
Falls - importance
hospital admission non-specific presentation of underlying illness cost (£1.8b; 1% of total spending) repeat falls morbidity and mortality
Falls - physiology
balance system:
peripheral: vestibular, proprioception, vision
central: coordination
postural CVS reflexes:
carotid sinus
Falls - RF
previous fall
intrinsic: balance, strength, activity, neuro, thyroid, DM, cataracts, CVD, MSK, female
extrinsic: environment, equipment, meds
medications: beta blockers and nitrates BZD and anti-H diuretics neuroleptics TCAs
Falls - consequences
fractures (20%) and injury (75%); 'long lie': hypothermia, pressure, dehydration/AKI, infection, SDH, rhabdomyalysis social isolation depression/anxiety fear of falling, ADL/participation, QoL carer strain mortality institutionalisation
Falls - assessment
history: before during after; previous falls; cognition, DH, PMH/SR, SH (mobility, dependence, substances, support etc); RF, balance
collateral history
DDx: syncope, stroke/neuro, dementia, epilepsy, arrhythmia, delirium, ophthalmology/vision
examination: AtoE; gain/balance/MSK, neuro, vision, BP/CVS, feet/footwear
Ix: baselines, ECG, ?septic screen, UA; ?24h ECG, echo, TILT
Falls - prevention
strength and balance training
medical assessment: cause, co-morbidity management, bone health, meds r/v
Falls - management
primary care: screening, referral
ED: AtoE, injuries, ?Ax + supervision
IP: prevention programme, fracture liaison, bone health
intitutions: high risk, modify RF e.g. exercise and hazards
Falls - stats
after #hip, 33% fully dependent, 50% partial
1% of falls » hip fracture
#NOF 1y mortality is 20-35%
10% mortality within 12/12 after a fall
50% >80yo fall at least 1/y; 33% of >65yo
50% fall again within 1y
>75y = F>M, F (2x)
50% mobility issues
falls - aetiology
brain: CVA/disease, dementia, BP/perfusion, heart disease
vision: cataracts, AMD, bifolcals, DR
vestibular: OM, ototoxic, meniere’s
proprioception: sensory neuropathy, joint replacement, ageing, MSK
effectors: atrophy, proximal myopathy, neuromuscular
other: continence, environment