Care givers, and elder abuse Flashcards
carer epidemiology
1in8 people; 6.5 million, 9 million by 2037
6,000 new per day, 2m/y
58% F; peak 50-59y (20%)
3million working age, 1in5 give up work
carer demographics
58% F, 20% 50-59yo parents/in-laws 40% partner 26% friend/neighbour 9% grandparents 4% other relatives 7%
Carer health impact
2x risk of permanent illness/disability 625000 direct physical/mental issues 83% neg physical, 87% neg mental 40% delay own treatments longer care duration increases risk
carer Social burden
isolation, relationships, asking for help
37% no support
29% family but no SS support
40% no break in 18 months, no holiday in 5 years
carer financial burden
reduced/stopped work
benefits insufficient
lose up to £30,000 income
74% bills, 78% home repairs, 52% reducing food, 32% rent/mortgage issues
carer legal issues
autonomy, capacity, harm
carer services
listen and involve in decisions direct to support services social services carers allowance care packages from employers
Elder abuse epidemiology
4% prevalence (342000 per year) 5% verbal abuse 2% physical abuse 2% financial abuse 2.1% of men, 5.4% of women in past year
34% psychological, 20% financial, 19% physical, 12% neglect, 3% sexual
35% partner, 33% family, 9% home help, 3% friend, 33% neighbours
can be institutions
cognition e.g. dementia (5% >65y, 20% >80y)
refuge centres not accessible or suitable
reluctance to incarcerate older perpetrators
Abuse by intention and abuse by omission physical psychological sexual financial neglect (most common) slavery (lease common) domestic self-neglect organisational
typical victim: >75y, F, Fx, no role, lone, at home, adult child
recurrent/unexplained injury non-treatment/new illness poor personal care and poverty depression/withdrawn/fearful/anx/SI isolation oversedation/meds misuse cognitive/physical impairment fearful of carer; mentions 'punishment' FHx violence/ quality of relationship in ast refusal of external services financial issues/dependent financially conflicting stories disability/dementia
MDT approach incl. SW, police, psych, safe-guarding
contact safeguarding
safe environment, supportive, calm and empathetic
Principles governing safeguarding
Empowerment Protection Proportionality Partnership Accountability