Fallacy And Bias Flashcards
It is one you disprove of the opponents opinion or point by attacking their characteristic this usually occurs when the speaker’s argument seems hypocritical to the audience’s
How do you know the tenants problems when you’re the land lord
Ad hominem fallacy
It is when force cohesion or even threat of force is used rather than reason in order to accept a conclusion this is usually used as a last resort when evidence or rational argument feel to convince the person
if you do not pass this at the end of the semester your grades will fail
Appeal to force
It is characterized by manipulating the emotions of the audience rather than using facts logic or reason to win the argument an advertising agency and charities usually use this fallacy to engage with their audiences using fear empathy and other emotions to relate with their audience to advertise their products and donate to their charities
Appeal to emotion
This policy states that because the majority of the people think that something is true it is therefore through this fallacy is difficult to stop because our common sense believe that if it is the popular opinion then it is good true or valid when in fact it is not based on facts
everyone in america is using apple therefore it is better than samsung
Appeal to popularity
This fallacy supports only one conclusion solely because it’s what would been doing or happening for a long time
the men should be the one to propose not the women or marriage is always between man and woman we shouldn’t allow for gay marriage
Appeal to tradition
This is a fallacy that is used as a way to create an argument in which the conclusion is true through the promise of a claim even when the claim doesn’t provide a logical reasoning to prove that the claim is true
women are not allowed in the men’s bathroom because it is only for men or global warming is not real because the world is not getting warmer
Begging the question
This fallacy happens when both assume that the sequential timing of two variables or event is sufficient to establish that one is the cause and the other is the effect even if there is no logical reasoning
everyday the sun goes up after the rooster crows therefore the rooster controls the sun or you borrowed my pen the for the exam and i failed there for you made me feel the exam
Cause and effect
Is fallacy occurs when one concludes that something is true for the whole then the whole is true because it is true for some parts of that whole
if i stand up at a concert i can see better so if everyone stand up everyone can see you better
Fallacy of composition
This fallacy occurs when one concludes that what is true for the whole must be true for all of the parts even without justification this is the opposite of the fallacy of composition
the ocean is blue therefore every drop of water is blue
Fallacy of division
It is the tendency to judge a person’s personality based on his actions without regards for external factors or situations an example of this is when a boss things that the new employee must be lazy and the responsible because he is late when the new employee reason that you was stuck in traffic
Correspondence bias
It is the tendency to seek out and prefer information that supports our pre-existing believes while ignoring you information or evidences that contradicts existing beliefs
an example of this is when you believe if you work 2-3 jobs you can afford a house
Confirmation bias
This is when people make decisions based on the way the information is presented rather than relying on the fact themselves
you will prefer to drink diet coke rather than the regular coke because it has no sugar and it will help with your diet
Framing bias
It is the tendency to assume that they already knew the outcome of the event after the outcome has already been determined this is the i knew it all along bias
when the stocks that they invested in had positive outcomes they believe they can predict the stock market
Hindsight bias
This is when the person’s best interest is not the best interest of another person or organization so the person would choose what is the best decision that would benefit their interest while hurting their personal or professional interests
Ex. accepting bribes to hire an unqualified employee to provide services that the company needs
Conflict of interest
This occurs when a person interprets a situation based on their own cultural perspective which can cause a stereotypes conflicts and misinterpretations
Ex. a software company would hire an indian employee rather than as american because they are more technologically literate
Cultural bias