Failure to Progress Flashcards
How do make a diagnosis of failure to progress?
On a partogram
What are the two types of poor progress?
- Delayed labour- there is progress of labour but it is below the requirement for normal
- Arrested labour -labour progresses normally and then stops
What are the two features of delayed labour/slow progress?
- Hypoactive uterine contractility
2. Hyperactive uterine contractility
Who is affected the most by delayed progress between primigravida and multigravida?
- Primigravida
How does hypoactive uterine contractility present?
- Decreased pain
- Decreased basal tone of the myometrium
- The contractions are decreased in frequency, the duration is decreased <30seconds and the they are not strong enough (not enough amplitude)
What is the treatment for delayed progress?
Oxytocin infusion
How does hyperactive uterine contractility present?
- Increased pain
- The basal myometrium tone is increased or normal
- Contractions are strong, irregular and the strength differs with each contraction
Why are the contractions in hyperactive uterine contractility not efficient in pushing the foetus out?
They start anywhere and move in any direction
For contractions to be effective they have to start from the fungus and move downwards
What is the primary treatment for hyperactive uterine contractility?
- Analgesic
- Sedation
- Psychological support
- Empty the bladder
What is the main reason for arrested labour?
There is usually an obstruction at the pelvic floor obstructing the baby from going out
-the head is too big or the pelvis is too tight
What are the causes delayed labour/slow progress?
- Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
- Malpresentation (especially occipito-posterior)
- Excessive sedation
- Excessive stretching (polyhydroamnios, multiple pregnancies, large baby)
- Cervical pathology
What are the causes of arrested labour?
- Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
- Malpresentation or abnormal lie
- Pelvic tumor (myoma or ovarian tumour)
- In primigravida-tight perineum
When looking on partogram if the patient reaches the action line, what is the next step?
Refer or if in a level 2 hospital then we can observe the mom for 4 hours instead of 2 hours
What is the management of poor progress of labour in the latent phase?
If the membranes are intact and the fetal heart normal then we do nothing
What is the management of poor progress of labour in the active phase?
- Observe poor progress if cervical is <1cm per hour
- Apply rule of P’s to find cause
- Allow 2 hours for observations-check for uterine contractions and ensure they are 3 per 10 minutes
- After 2 hours assess whether there’s no progress, delayed progress or normal progress
What do we do if there’s no progress after 2 hours of assessing the patient?
We then do a c/s
What do we do if there is normal progress of more than >2cm per hour?
What are the 4 P’s?
- Patient(mother)
- Power
- Passenger(fetus)
- Passage(pelvis)