Faila - Known Defenses and Buffs Flashcards
x 3 - TAG - Nullify the entire effect of a melee weapon attack
x 2 - TAG - Nullify the entire effect of a Social Attack or an attack which inflicts CHARMED, CONTROLLED, FEARED, or ENRAGED.
Passive - Once per 5 seconds, when a being within reach is targeted by an attack, redirect the entire effect to the character.
The character must defend or suffer the attack regardless of if they are IMMUNE
to any part of it.
This skill may not be used against Social Attacks and does not count against the
Reaction cap.
When used on an Area Effect attack, you may only Intercept for one target of the
x2 TAG - Nullify the entire effect of an attack targeting a being within reach other than the character.
Passive - When using Intercept to redirect an Attack skill, the character restores 10 body points.
Intercept may be used once per second.
Passive - Reduce the duration of any effect which inflicts the FEARED status to 10 seconds. Bane effects will bypass this reduction.
Armor Patch
x 2 TAG - After 15 seconds of preparation, the character restores 15 armor points.
Wyvern Watch
Rank 1 Enchantment - This latent spell defends against a single attack delivered from concealment. This ability can be granted to others as a Latent effect.
Rank 4 Illusion - Nullify the entire effect of a weapon attack targeting the character, and the character is instantly DISPLACED 10 feet backwards (or until they reach a point at which they cannot continue moving). This ability is cast on the character as a Latent effect.
Rank 4 Illusion - The character becomes CONCEALED. This effect is dispelled if the character takes any action other than moving or speaking, or after 10 minutes. This effect does not suppress any noise made by movement.
Eldritch Sigil
Passive - The character reduces the duration of the SEALED and ENFEEBLED statuses to 5 Seconds. This is bypassed by effects that deal bane.
x 2 TAG - When targeted by an attack that would render the character INCAPACITATED, CRITICAL, or DEAD, nullify the entire effect of the attack.
x 2 TAG - When targeted by a spell packet, auto-hit, or ranged attack skill, nullify the entire effect of the attack and become IMMUNE versus the skill for 1 minute.
x 2 TAG - All allies that can hear the character restore 10 body points, excluding the character (combine with Battle Cry for +10/shield bash)
Power Infusion
Tier 2 Enchantment - Choose a target within reach. The target gains +1 damage proficiency for 5 minutes and must use magic damage for the duration.