Faila - Attacks Flashcards
Shield Bash
x2 TAG - Choose a target within reach. The target suffers 30 damage and is DISPLACED 10 feet away from the character. If the character does not have a Shield equipped, they may call this skill Bash.
Battle Cast
Rank 1 Proelimancy - Type: Combo
After 5 seconds of casting: the coupled non-spell Attack skill auto-hits a target within the character’s reach. The skill counts as a spell for the purpose of Combo skills. This can be combined with other Combo abilities.
Stun Sigil
Rank 1 Glyphis; Type: Attack (Status)
Strike a target with a spell packet or weapon attack. The target is STUNNED for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 Wizardry; Type: Combo
The character may instantly activate a Rank 1 or Rank 2 spell. Bladesurge has a 5 second cooldown.
Chromatic Orb
Rank 3 Illusion; Type: Attack (Damage)
Strike a target with a spell packet or WEAPON attack. The target suffers 30 Magic Body damage.