Facts Flashcards
Medical Eligibility for Contraception is concerned primarily with
prescribing SAFETY and patient eligibility
The U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraception, updated in 2013, is what_________.
This is also, like the US Medical Eligibility Criteria, based on World Health Organization guidelines.
Think of the Selected Practice Recommendations (SPR) as __________.
best practices in HOW to prescribe or help women use specific methods.
the MEC helps you decide_________________. WHETHER to prescribe a method or not.
WHEATHER to prescribe a method or not.
A number of family planning programs view the consent form _________________.
as an important piece of patient education and give each patient a copy to keep.
A practice consistent with the philosophy of full disclosure would be ………..
Giving the patient a copy of family planning education to keep.
consider using consent forms that include all of the BRAIDED elements in simple language.
Be sure to stress warning signs for serious complications on ___________.
consent forms (for example, the ACHES mnemonic for combined contraceptives and the PAINS mnemonic for IUDs, see modules 3C and 3D respectively).
Write consent forms at a manageable reading level, about grade ________.
seven or eight
When should you provide audiotaped consent forms?
audiotaped consent forms (in appropriate languages) for illiterate, marginally literate, and visually impaired patients.
Evaluate learning and comprehension by having patients __________.
say in their own words what they have learned.