Factors that caused the end of the Ancien Regime Flashcards


5 Causes of the end of the Ancien Regime u


Finances MOST IMPORTANT - 1 billion livre on War of Austrian Succession, 1.8billion on 7 Years War, 1.3 Billion on American Independence. Debt was 51% of expenditure by 1789, 126million livres

Social Unrest - The Great Fear. Storming of the Bastille in response to dismission of Necker and National Assembly creation.

Enlightenment - Ideas that challenged monarchy and religion. Spread in Salons & Newspapers (3 in 1700 but 80 in 1785). Rousseau, Voltaire & Montesquieu. Limited because often only upper classes talked of it/ were literate

American Revolution - 8,000 troops returning spread the ideologies of liberty & democracy

Weak King - Louis was too conscious of tradition and privilege to reform the french political system, yet too eager for popularity to rely on absolute authority. Louis failed to support Turgot, Calonne or Necker in their efforts of financial reform. Failed to put forward a plan of action when the Estates-General was called or deal with the Cahiers de doleances, leading to chaos. Originally opposed voting by head and the National Assembly, but gave way to popular opinion.

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