What is weapon focus?
- Witness’ attention drawn to perpetrator’s weapon, >able to recall other details of the crime
Evaluate factors influencing reliability of EWT
Loftus and Palmer, ppt shown video clips of car accidents, found their estimate of how fast cars were travelling = relative to form of q they were asked and verb used e.g. ‘smashed’ = highest estimate (40.8mph). + ^likely to report broken glass
Yuille and Cutshall interviewed witnesses to real-life shooting 4-5months after crime, found produced accurate accounts (didn’t reconstruct crime) even w 2 leading q’s in 2nd interview. Self reported anxiety = 5/7, ^anxious
Johnson and Scott, ppt overheard conversation in room, man appeared w greasy hands holding pen (ctrl). Other ppt heard argument, man emerged w blood stained knife. Control condition = 49% identification from 50 photos, weapon con = 33%
What is post-event info and what can it be based on?
- Info that arrives after event that may distort EW’s mem of what happened
- Schema of event - ‘effort after meaning’ (Bartlett)
What is a leading question and what can it cause?
- Questions that lead person to a specific answer
- Trigger schemas
- Incorrectly access info provided in q, not what they remember
What does tunnel theory suggest?
- Noticing weapon produces selective attention which excludes other competing info
What did Deffenbacher conclude (anxiety)?
- Moderate anxiety = helpful to memory
- EW anxiety continues to rise beyond peak of Yerkes Dodson curve = >correct recall