Factors encouraging independence movements Flashcards
Role of nationalist leaders
- Succes of Nkrumah etc in uniting people!
- Nigeria - Azikiwe
- Tanganyika - Nyerere and TANU
- Kenya
- CAF - Banda, Kaunda, Nkomo
Socio-economic problems/Growth of cities
- Nationalism prod of rising pop faced w/ diminishing resources, agri depression and econ depression e.g ?
Inc. urbanisation
- Nationalism inevitable outcome of changes colonialism brought to societies it sought to control
- Afr colonies exp process of rapid urbanisation
- Outcome was resurgence of demand to protect ethnic/cultural identity - central amongst nationalist leaders
- Nationalism inevitable outcome of changes colonialism brought to societies it sought to control
Colonialism brought educational opportunity
- Combined w/ econ development, enabled small, but articulate middle-class to emerge
- Formed basis of much anti-colonialism
- Urbanisation –> diff ideas joining, unify nationalist ideas/better organised union
- By late 1930s, Afr travel for West-style education
- Crucial in est. ideas of freedom
- Many (Kenyatta) attended West unis
- Exposed to left-wing political ideas, met anti-emp politicians
- Combined w/ econ development, enabled small, but articulate middle-class to emerge
Actions of Br govt in encouraging nationalism
Moves toward decolonisation in G. Coast
- Peaceful transition of power
- Model for orderly transition to independence
- ‘Wind of change’ - acknowledgement of decolonisation; call for independence?
Colonial Development Corporation - colonies were to provide cheap food/resources
- Policy failed w/ groundnut plan
- Scheme devised in Tanganyika was ultimately a disasterous fail!
- Faced £49 mill loss!
- This necessitated tighter controls over imperial econ more than ever before - econ exploitation rather than decolonisation was primary agenda for Br relationship w/ colonies
- Exploitation triggers unrest!
- This necessitated tighter controls over imperial econ more than ever before - econ exploitation rather than decolonisation was primary agenda for Br relationship w/ colonies
- Faced £49 mill loss!
WWII/Success of nationalist movements in other British colonies (India)
WWII concept of freedom fr oppression/tyranny
- Ideological impact imp in influencing returning veterans of Br emp in Afr
- Following WWII, Br gave up part of empire e.g India/Burma independence
- Impact was to influence nationalism Afr campaigns
- Many Afr served in Burma - compared own exp of cont’d colonialism w/ new freedom available in Asia
- New awareness of rights!
- Many Afr served in Burma - compared own exp of cont’d colonialism w/ new freedom available in Asia
- Impact was to influence nationalism Afr campaigns