factors affecting atrraction :filter theory Flashcards
filter theory
Kerckhoff and Davis
compared attitudes and personalities of student couples in short-term (less than 18 months) and long term (more than 18 months)
devised a filter theory to explain how such romantic relationships form and develop
in terms of partner choice - we all have a field of availeds but not everyone who is avaible is desirable
there are three main factors that act as filters to narrow down our range of partner choice
each of these factors assumes greater or lesser importance at different stages of a relationship
social demography - 1st level of filter
refers to a wide range of factors all of which influence the chances of potential partners meeting each other in the first place
includes geographical location social class level of education ethnic group religion
much more likely to meet people who are physically close to you and who share several demographic characteristics
accessibility - doesn’t require much effort to meet people who live in the same area or go totally th same school
the outcome of the filtering is homogamny meaning you are more likely to form a relationship with someone who is socially or culturally similar
similarity in attitudes - 2nd level of filter
partners will often share important belief and values partly because the filed of avaibles has already been narrowed due to the first filter
similarity in attitudes is importnat to the development of romantic relationships but only for the couples who had been together less than 18 months
there is a need for partners in the earlier stages of a relationship to agree over basic values
encourages greater and deeper communication and promotes self-disclosure
complementarity - 3rd level of filter
ability of romantic partners to meet each others needs
two partner complement each other when they have traits that the other lacks
found that the need for complementatiy was more importnat for the long-term couples
at a later stage in the relationship opposites attract
complementaoty is attractive because it gives two romantic partners the feeling that together they form a whole which adds depth to a relationship and makes it more likely to flourish
research support
support from kerckhoff and davi’s ordinal study
conducted a longitudinal study
both partners in dating couples completed questionnaires to assess two main factors - similarity of attitudes/values and complementairty of needs
relationship closeness was measured by another questionnaire seven months later
study found that closeness was associated with similarity of values but only for couples wh has been together less than 18 months
for couples in longer relationships ships compeltaroty of needs predicted closeness
study provided evidence that similarity is importnat in the early stages of a relationsuop but completairty is more important later on
problems with completmentairty
complementairty may not be central to all longer-term relationships
prediction of the filter theory is that in the most satisfying relationships partners are complementary
example - one may have the need to be dominant and the other to be submissive
markey and markey found that lesbian couples of equal dominance were the most satisfied
their sample of couples has been romantically involved for a mean time of more than 4 and a half years
suggest that similarity of needs rather than. complentarty may be associated with long-term satisfaction at leats in soem couples
actual versus perceived similarity
actual similarity matters less in a relationship than whether partner perceive or believe themselves to be similar
supported in a meta-analysis of 313 studies by montoya
found that actual similarity affected attraction only in very short tern lab based interactions
in real world relationships perceived similarly was stronger predictor of attraction
one interpretation of this fining is that partners may percovve greater similarities as they become more attracted to each other
therefore percoved similarity may be an effect of attraction and not a cause
which is not predicted by the filter model