Factors Flashcards
What was the role of the individual for Magna Carta?
King John’s cruelty prompted the Magna Carta which is made due to the barons and them working alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury
What is the role of the individual for Henry |||’s rule (Simon de Montfort)?
Henry’s rule prompted the barons objections
Simon de Montfort defeated Henry at the battle of Lewes and became know as the father of parliament because he invited knights and barons to parliament in 1265
What is the role of the individual in the à English revolution?
John pym - critiqued Charles in parliament
Oliver Cromwell - Ruled as lord protector
What is the role of the individual in peasants revolt?
John of Gaunt and Richard 11 made wrong bad decisions which influenced John Ball and Wat Tyler to lead the revolt
What is the role of the individual in Pilgrimage of Grace?
Robert Aske - who fought and tried to negotiate deal with Henry v111
What is the role of the individual in American Revolution?
Thomas Paine
Samuel Adams
George Washington
What was the role of the individual in Tolpuddle martyrs ?
George loveless
What is the role of the individual in suffragettes?
Emily Davidson and the Pankhursts
How is War a factor for Magna Carta?
The Magna Carta was part in response to King John’s unpopular wars with France
How is War a factor with Henry and Simone de Montfort?
Henry 111 lost major wars with France twice
How was War a factor in the peasants revolt?
Edward 111 and his Grandson Richard 11 were involved in further unsuccessful wars with the French who raided Sussex
Taxes to pay for these wars sparked the peasants revolt
How is War a factor in English Civil War?
Problems after parliament was recalled by Charles in hope of getting support for the War against the Scots.
Civil War itself led to violent events - Charles’ execution and the abolition of the monarchy
How did War affect the American Revolution?
The seven years war between Britain and France for the 13 colonies, led to the British demanding that the colonies pay taxes to pay for this war,
This caused the riot that was the Boston tea party and the Declaration of Independence
How did War affect the suffragettes?
Women’s service in the First World War is one of the main reasons as to why they got the vote
How does economy affect the Henry and Simon de Montfort?
Henry was always short of money so he created a lot of taxes
How does economy affect the peasants revolt?
There was a lot of famine as people couldn’t afford food and the increasing gap between rich and poor is one of the main reasons for the peasants revolt
How does economy affect the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Pilgrimage of Grace was strongest in the north as people felt economically disadvantages as the taxes had been raised a lot
How does economy affect the American Revolution?
Stamp acts imposed further customs and duties on American colonies that they shouldn’t of had to pay
How did economy affect people in the late 1960s?
Minority communities generally lived in poor, overwhelmed areas and had the lowest jobs and had economic hardships
How was economy a factor in Chartists?
Chartists were at its strongest when the economy was low I.e. bad harvests caused lower wages
How was religion a factor in the Magna Carta?
John fell out with the Pope after he appointed Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury which contributed to the Magna Carta being made
How was religion a major factor in Simon de Montfort era?
He was very pious and principled and was friends with many leading churchmen, such as Bishop Of Lincoln
How was religion a factor in the pilgrimage of Grace?
The pilgrimage of Grace was a protest against the Reformation and dissolution of the Monasteries
How was the English Civil War a factor for religion?
Charles 1 and William Laud’s changes to the Church made the puritans fear they were making the Church Catholic again
How was the the Religion a factor in reformations?
Many opponents of the slave trade were inspired by their religious beliefs e.g. Methodists and Quakers
Elizabeth Fry was a Quaker who played a leading role in reforming prisons
How was chance a factor in Simon de Montfort?
It was perhaps chance the Edward escaped and then him to defeat Simon at Evesham 1265
How was chance a factor in the peasants revolt?
It was perhaps chance the Black Death had killed so many wages and leading to temporary increase in wages
It was chance that wat Tyler got involved and the rebels were able to find John Ball, and killed the archbishop and treasurer
How was chance a factor in the pilgrimage of Grace?
It was perhaps chance the Edward got caught up in the pilgrimage of Grace and provided leadership for it
It was perhaps chance that a revolt broke out in Beverly, allowing an excuse for Henry to turn back his promises
How was chance a factor in the suffragettes?
It was chance that Emily Davidson was killed by Kings horse in 1913
It was chance the ww1 broke out, allowing women to prove themselves worthy of the vote
How was Government a factor in the magna carter?
The Magna Carta was in response to the belief King John was governing without consents Of barons or respect to traditional liberties
How was Government a factor in the Simon de Montfort?
Henry 3rds conflict with his barons in 1250s and 1260s was provoked by his extravagance and arbitrary rule
How was Government a factor in the English Cicil War?
The unpopular government that Charles ran caused resentment that led to more people questioning royal authority, eventually to civil war
How was Government a factor in the peasants revolt?
The decisions to impose the 1351, Statute Of Labourers, Sumptuary Laws and Game Laws and the poll tax all contributed to the peasants revolt
How was Government a factor in American Revolution?
Many Americans resented the continued attempts by Britain to given them
How was Government a factor in 19thC reforms?
They resisted respected attempts but eventually passed the Great Reform Act and a further Reform Act and introduced secret ballots
The Great Reform Act specifically prevented women for voting but the government eventually passed acts in 1918 and 1928 allowing women to vote and 1967 abortion act
How did Government play a factor in minority rights?
The government passed the Race Relations Act 1968, Set up the Council for Racial equality 1976 and commissioned the Scarman report into the 1981 riots
How was communication a factor during the Magna Carta?
Copies were made of the Magna Carta and distributed throughout the kingdom
How was communication a factor in the peasants revolt?
Word of the peasant’s revolt spread quickly in Kent and Essex
How was communication a factor in the American Revolution?
Thomas Paine’s the Rights Of Man was widely distributed and read 1776
How was communication a factor in Chartists/tolppuddle martyrs ?
Chartists has their own newspaper and organised huge petitions
Good communication was key to the successful campaigns in behalf of the tolpuddle martyrs
How was communication a factor in the suffragettes?
They used touring speakers, leaflets, pamphlets and a newspaper to get ideas across
The more extreme tactics of the WSPU were widely publicised.
How were ideas a factor in Magna Carta?
The Magna Carta inspired the idea that people had been free under English law (before Norman conquest)
How is ideas a factor in Simon de Montfort?
Henry’s barons ideas were expressed in the Provisions of Oxford 1258
Having knights and burgesses (the Commons) represented in parliament was a new idea
How was ideas a factor in the peasants revolt?
John ball’s idea was that were we all created equal and that serfdom should end gained popularity
How was ideas a factor in the English civil war?
New ideas emerged such as the Leveller’s demand for manhood suffrage and Diggers believing all property should be held in common
How were ideas a key part in the American Revolution?
Thomas Paine argues that American colonies should be independent from Britain, the phrase ‘No taxation without representation’ emerged, the American Revolution spread the believe of democracy and human rights
Ideas of the Americans revolution of representation, freedom and equality were adopted by many reforms in 1800s
How was ideas a factor in trade unions?
Many were motivated by the idea that workers needed to act collectively to improve wages and conditions at work
How were ideas a factor in suffragettes?
They ideas that women were entitled to vote, control their bodies and have equal pay gained support throughout the 1900s
How was ideas a factor of the general strike/Margret thatcher?
The general strike was in part brought to an end because strikers were portrayed as revolutionary which is what the TUC didn’t want them being portrayed as
Margret Thatcher was popular in her support against trade unions because it was believed they’d become too powerful and undermined democratically elected governments
How was communication a factor in the general strike?
The TUC were able to coordinate the general strike in 1926 but government anti-strike propaganda (British Gazette newspaper) played a part in defeating it