9. Chartism Flashcards
What were the six demands published on the People’s charter in 1838?
A vote for all men over 21 A secret ballot Equal electoral districts No property qualification to be an MP Payment for MPs Annual parliaments
When was chartism at its strongest?
When economic conditions were worse and unemployment was rising
Who were raising the issue of reform in parliament?
A few sympathetic MPs
What was held throughout the countries?
Mass meetings and demonstrations
What meeting happened in May 1838?
A meeting in Glasgow where over 150,000 people attended
What meetings did Chartists hijack?
Anti-Corn Law meetings
What was “The Northern Star” ?
Most famous chartist newspaper by Feargus O’Conner
How were these newspapers distributed?
Sold cheaply and spread widely and was read aloud to people who couldn’t afford them
What was the Chartists main weapon?
Petitioning parliament
What dates did Chartists create huge petitions and present them to parliament ?
All rejected by parliament
How many signatures did the 1848 petition gain?
5 million -although some were forgeries
Did chartism fail?
What did Supporters like Thomas Attwood and Birmingham Political Union believe?
Had moderate aims and thought they could achieve them through persuasion
How were others more extreme?
Some made pikes and other weapons and waited for a violent uprising
What happened at Newport, 1839?
20 Chartists were shot as 5,000 marchers tried to free chartist prisoners
What was Feargus O’Conners plan?
Devised a Land Plan to resettle unemployed workers on small holdings
What was the Governments response?
Repression with no concessions
What happened to Chartists?
102 were transported to Australia
Many more arrested and imprisoned, mainly for riots, arson e.t.c
What happened to Chartism?
These measures weakened Chartism and the movement was effectively killed off by an economic upturn in early 1850s
None of the 6 points were achieved
although it failed at the time, what was achieved later on?
Later on all points of the people’s charter was achieved (excluding annual parliaments)
What did the Further Reform Acts Of 1867, 1872 and 1884 do?
Gave more and more men the power to vote
What happened in 1872?
The secret ballot was introduced
How was Chartism a powerful force?
It helped working class people develop their own political culture and organisations
What was it the first example of?
First modern political party in its aims, organisations and methods