Factoids Flashcards
What drugs are a2 agonists? Uses?
Clonidine: malignant HTN +/- renal dz (does not decrease renal perfusion), sedation
a-methyldopa: HTN in pregnancy
What are the nonselective a-blockers? Uses?
Phenoxybenzamine: used to tx pheo because the block is irreversible
Phentolamine: tx of MAOi when they have eaten tyramine (reversible block)
What are the a1-selective blockers? Uses?
Prazosin - HTN, urinary retention in BPH
Terazosin - ‘’
Doxazosin - ‘’
Tamsulosin - selective for a1-1A/1D on prostate –> BPH (no effect on BP, so used when pt has BPH but no HTN)
What are the a2-selective blockers? Uses?
Mirtazapine - depression
What dzs are treated with BB?
angina MI SVT HTN CHF Glaucoma (timolol)
BB that starts with A-M is __.
b1 selective
BB that starts with N-Z is __.
non-selective (b1 and b2)
What are the BB that are actually agonists?
Acebutalol and Pindolol are partial agonists
What BB also block a1?
Carvedilol and Labetalol
BB used for stage fright?
BB CI in what?
Cocaine OD, asthmatic, diabetic (decreases glucose levels and blunts the symptoms of hypoglycemia)