Are responsible directors and offcers held responsible for ultra vires losses?
Is a purely personal loan to a director ok?
Under what circumstances would a loan to an officer or a director be ok?
only if it is reasonably expected to benefit the corporation.
Is a loan to a director to attend business school ok?
Yes, this would improve your ability to do your job for the company.
What does the Sarbanes Oxley Act generally forbid?
generally forbids loans to executives in large, publicly traded (“registered”) corporations.
What does the Sarbanes Oxley Act require a large publicly corporation to do for the services they get from a registered accounting firm?
establish an audit committee and oversee work of registered public accounting firm.
Under the Sarbanes Oxley Act, What must CEOs and CFOs do?
certify accuracy and completeness of financial reports.
A director is ________________to concur with board action
When is a director not presumed to agree with a BOD action?
her dissent or abstention is noted in writing in corporate records.
What does in writing mean (in relation to non-resumption of a BOD action)?
(1) in the minutes or
(2) delivered in writing to the presiding officer at the meeting or
(3) written dissent delivered to the corporation immediately after the meeting.
Is oral dissent enough to rebut the presumption of a director concurring with a BOD action?
oral dissent alone is not effective.
What are the exceptions to presumption of concurrence with a BOD action?
1 . An absent director is not liable for stuff done at the meeting she missed.
2. . A director is entitled to rely in good faith on information (including financial information) presented by an officer, employee, or committee (of which the relying director was not a member), or professional reasonably believed competent. (defense to liability)
What fiduciary duties do officers owe?
Care and loyalty, same as directors
What is the status of an officer of a corporation?
Officers are agents of the corporation
Traditionally, what officers must a corporation have?
must have a president, secretary, and treasurer.
Today, can one person hold multiple offices of a corporation simultaneously?
Who selects and removes officers?
Who sets officer’s compensation?
The board of Hair Care Extraordinaire, Inc. appoints John Stamos as president. What happens if it fires him from the presidency?
The board can remove officers but may have to pay damages if there was an employment contract.
Can shareholders generally fire and hire officers?
Generally, shareholders do NOT hire and fire officers
When is indemnification not allowed for an officer or director?
If she was held liable to the corporation or was held to have received an improper personal benefit.
When is indemnification mandatory for an officer or director?
If she is successful in defending, on the merits or otherwise. (Statute of limitations can fall under or otherwise)
When is indemnification permissive for an officer or director?
Any situation not satisfying circumstances barring or mandating indemnification to the officer or director.
What is a good example of when indemnification is permissive for an officer or director?
If the case against her settled.
How does an officer show that they are eligible to be indemnified?
Must show she acted in good faith and with the reasonable belief that her actions were in the company’s best interests. (its the loyalty standard)
Who determines eligibility of indemnification for directors or officers?
Disinterested directors or disinterested shares or independent legal counsel.
Can a court where the director or officer was sued order reimbursement?
Yes, if it is justified in view of all the circumstances
Can the articles eliminate liability to the corporation for improper personal benefit?
Can the articles eliminate liability to the corporation for intentional misconduct?
Can the articles eliminate liability to the corporation for usurping corporate opportunities?
Can the articles eliminate liability to the corporation for unlawful damages?
Do these exculpatory provisions in the articles apply to officers too?
There is a split of authority.