Facilitate Change Through Life Coaching Flashcards
LICIA Module 1: Understand the different coaching models and concepts of life coaching.
What are the six steps of the LCIA coaching model?
- Define the client’s goal.
- Measure the client’s current situation.
- Formulate a plan for goal achievement.
- Implement the plan for goal achievement.
- Access the effectiveness of the action plan and make changes as required.
- Maintain goal achievement.
What are the six phases of the Model of Change?
What are the names of the components of the GROW model?
- Goal
- Reality
- Options
- Will/Wrap-up
What are the names of the components of the CLEAR model?
- Contracting
- Listening
- Exploring
- Action
- Review
What should a coach do when potential barriers or obstacles are identified?
When barriers are identified, the coach should work with the coachee to determine how these can be overcome.
In some cases, this may mean identifying alternative actions that can be implemented, whereas in other cases it may involve making adjustments to the action plan itself to include the coach working with the coachee to develop specific skills to help overcome these challenges.
What is an action plan?
“An action plan is used to document a coachee’s goals and achievements between sessions.
It contains the “homework” or tasks the coachee has agreed to perform and is discussed at the following session in terms of achievements and obstacles.
Maintaining a weekly log such as an action plan provides both coach and coachee with an easily accessible means of evaluating progress. It keeps the partners focused and accountable.”
What is contained in an action plan?
An action plan typically documents the coachee’s values, vision, and goal as well as the specific steps they will take to achieve their milestones, possible obstacles they may face and how they will deal with them, how success will be monitored, and the ultimate benefits of sticking to the action plan.
In The LCIA Coaching Model. Step 4 The implementation stage of the action plan, what is the role of the coach?
- Help the client implement their action plan
- Assist them to stay on track
- Provide ongoing motivation
- Monitor the plan itself and the coachee’s progress in order to determine if any changes are required.
When should you modify or change the plan?
- When the actions on the plan are to easy or to hard to achieve.
- When circumstances change.
- When the plan doesn’t fit the client.
- New or better opportunities arrive.
- When the goal is not appropriate for the client.
- When the strategies in the plan are not working for the client.
- When the client is not satisfied with the progress they are making.
What is a Progress Check?
- A way for the coach to check with the client if the coaching process is going well.
- Whether the client is happy with the strategies being used
- Is the client happy with the way the coaching relationship is working?
- A progress check allows the coach to make changes to better serve the client.
Why is it useful for a coach to use a coaching model when working with a client?
Using a coaching model allows the coach to explain the process of what they will be doing with the client.
It helps the client understand what they will be doing and what they are paying for.
It also helps the client know where they are in the process and manages expectations.
Why is it important for a coach to identify and clarify a client’s values?
It’s important to identify and clarify the client’s values because the client needs to know what is important and meaningful to them otherwise any goals they achieve may not be meaningful or fulfilling.
Working towards goals that are in line with their values can also give them energy, drive and motivation to achieve their goals.
How can a coach assist a client to find out what their values are?
The two main ways of finding out peoples values are by:
- Having them fill out forms/questionnaires that get them to rate things of importance to them in their lives so you can get a sense of their values.
- Having an interview-style conversation where you ask them questions about their values, past accomplishments, when they felt best doing things and what those things were and why they feel it was important and good for them.
What is the benefit of having a client develop a vision statement?
Helping a client to develop a vision statement will help them have a reference on their current situation and the progress they have made towards the life they want to live.
The vision statement helps them see where they want to be and can be used to help them in their day to day life to see if their current actions are in line with their vision statement and where they want to be in the future.
What is a common method for developing a vision statement?
A coach could help their client develop a personal vision statement by getting them to write a letter from their future self telling their current self what life is like for them in the future, making sure that it is in line with their values and will be a rewarding and fulfilling life.