Facebook terms Flashcards
Add To Cart (ATC)
the number of add-to-cart events tracked by the Facebook Pixel that can be attributed to your ads.
What is atc Facebook ads?
Add To Cart (ATC)
Calculated by dividing the total number of clicks with the total number of impressions. It can help you determine how effective an ad is in driving traffic to your website.
Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)
an option that allows Facebook to automatically optimize the distribution (разпределение) of your campaign’s budget across all the ad sets in your campaign. It’s designed to help you get the best possible results with your available budget.
Cross-Sell (XS)
a sales technique used to encourage a customer to purchase a product that is related or complementary (допълващ) to the product they’ve already added to their cart. Facebook allows you to set up cross-sell campaigns using dynamic ads.
Custom Audience (CA)
a type of audience you can create for your Facebook advertising campaigns using customer data such as email addresses or phone numbers. To create a Custom Audience, you will need to upload your customer list to Facebook.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV / LTV)
a metric that provides a prediction of the total lifetime profit that can be attributed to a specific customer.
Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)
a type of Facebook ads that automatically promotes your products to people who have visited your website or app. You will need to upload your product catalog to Facebook in order to be able to use dynamic ads.
Landing Page (LP)
a dedicated (special) page on your website where people who click on your ads are sent.
Initiate Checkout (IC
the number of Initiate Checkout (започнете плащане) events tracked by the Facebook Pixel that can be attributed to your ads.
Landing Page Views (LPV)
the number of times your landing page was viewed by someone who clicked on your ad.
Lookalike Audience (LAL / LAA / LLA)
a type of audience you can create for your Facebook advertising campaigns by using an existing Custom Audience. A Lookalike Audience consists of people who are similar to the people in your Custom Audience.
One-time offer (OTO)
a type of upselling offer where the customer is offered to add additional items to their cart, but only for a limited amount of time.
Retargeting (RT)
the practice of advertising products or content to people who have already interacted with your content in some way. To be able to run retargeting campaigns on Facebook, you will need to place the Facebook Pixel on your website.
Return on Investment (ROI)
the overall (общата) return (възвращаемост) on the amount of money, time, and resources you invest in Facebook advertising. (You can measure it from FB insight )
View Content (VC)
a type of Facebook advertising campaign optimization which aims to optimize your ads for receiving as much traffic as possible to a specific landing page.
Video Views (VV)
the number of times your Facebook video ad was viewed for three seconds or more.
Countdown ads
Countdown ads can be configured to expose the ad to the potential buyer several times during a short time frame. Our data shows most buyers will not purchase after seeing the ad the first time, but seeing the ad up to 6 times during 72 hours dramatically increases the chances of conversion.