Face, Temporal and Infratemporal Regions Flashcards
Orbicularis Oculi
Attachment: Encircles eye N: Facial Nerve A: 1. Forcefully closes eye 2. Encourages flow of tears 3. Squint
Attachment: Part of scalp (no bone attachment)
N: Facial Nerve
A: 1. Elevates eyebrows
2. Wrinkle forehead
Attachment: Runs transversely across nose
N: Facial Nerve
A: 1. Compresses and flares nostril
2. Draws nostril down
Orbicularis Oris
Attachment: Encircles mouth N: Facial Nerve A: 1. Oral Sphincter 2. Lip Protrusion andCompression 3. Mastication and Pucker
Levator Labii Superioris
O: 1. Inferior to orbital 2. Lateral to Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi I: Upper lip/orbicularis oris N: Facial Nerve A: 1. Raises upper lip 2. Everts upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
O: Very close to nose
I: Upper lip/orbicularis oris
N: Facial Nerve
A: Elevates alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
Zygomaticus Major and Minor
O: Zygomatic Arch
I: Mouth
N: Facial Nerve
A: Pulls mouth corners upward and outward=SMILE
O: Fascia over parotid gland
I: Mouth
N: Facial Nerve
A: Pulls mouth corners upward and outward (backward)=SMILE
Depressor Anguli Oris
O: Most lateral; Mandible
I: Mouth
N: Facial Nerve
A: Depresses corners of mouth
Depressor Labii Inferioris
O: Mandible
I: Lip/Orbicularis Oris
N: Facial Nerve
A: Draws lips inferiorly and laterally
O: Supraclavicular and Infraclavicular Regions I: 1. Base of mandible 2. Orbicularis Oris 3. Skin of Cheek 4. Skin of lower lip N: Facial Nerve A: 1. Tenses skin of neck 2. Draws corners of mouth inferiorly 3. Assist in depressing mandible
O: 1. Alveolar processes of mandible/maxilla
2. TMJ
I: Orbicularis Oris
N: Facial Nerve
A: 1. Aids in mastication and swallowing
2. Presses cheeks against molar teeth during chewing, whistling, and sucking
O: Inferior border and medial surface of zygomatic arch
I: 1. Lateral surface of ramus of mandible
2. Coronoid Process
N: Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V3)
A: 1. Elevates and protrudes mandible
2. Deep fibers retrude
O: 1. Temporal Fossa
2. Deep surface of Temporal Fossa
I: 1. Tip and medial surface of coronoid process
2. Ramus of Mandible
N: Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V3)
A: 1. Elevates mandible
2. Posterior fibers retrude mandible after protrusion
Medial Pterygoid
O: DEEP HEAD: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
SUPERFICIAL HEAD: Tuberosity of Maxilla
I: Medial surface of ramus of mandible
N: Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V3)
A: BILATERALLY: 1. Elevate mandible
2. Help to protrude mandible
ALTERNATIVELY: Produce grinding motion