face muscle Flashcards
Orbicularis oculi origin insertion and action
O = Nasal part of frontal bone
I = Skin of orbital region
A = Closes eyelids tightly, Closes eyelids gently
Compresses lacrimal sac
Occipitofrontalis Origin insertion and action
O = Skin of eyebrow, muscles of forehead
I = Epicranial aponeurosis
A=Elevates eyebrows, wrinkles skin of forehead
Zygomaticus muscles
O = (Posterior part of) Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone Modiolus,
I = blends with muscles of upper lip
A= Elevates and everts angle of mouth
Buccinator lying deep to risorius
O= Alveolar process of maxilla + mandible
I= Modiolus, blends with muscles of upper lip A=Compresses cheek against molar teeth
Orbicularis oris
O = Medial aspects of maxilla and mandible,
I= Skin and mucous membrane of lips
A= Closes mouth, compresses and protrudes lips
Is not fully contracted when smile
Levator anguli oris
O= Canine fossa of maxilla
I = Modiolus
A= Elevates angle of mouth
Platysma Muscle
O= Skin/fascia of infra- and supraclavicular regions
I= Lower border of mandible
A=Depresses mandible and angle of mouth, tenses skin of lower face and anterior neck
temporalis Muscle
O= Temporal fossa
I=Apex and medial surface of coronoid process of mandible
A=Elevates mandible, Retracts mandible
Masseter muscle
O= maxillary process of zygomatic bone
I=Lateral surface of ramus and angle of mandible Mastication
A= Elevates and protrudes mandible
Identify the two superficial paired muscles of mastication
2 are superficial = temporalis* and masseter*
Identify the parotid gland and few the facial nerve relationship
The facial nerve courses through the parotid gland, providing motor supply to the muscles of facial expression but does not provide innervation to the gland.
Identify the parotid gland and few the facial nerve relationship
The facial nerve courses through the parotid gland, providing motor supply to the muscles of facial expression but does not provide innervation to the gland.
Describe the cranial nerve involved in sensory innervation of the face (also motor to muscles of mastication
V1 (ophthalmic) forehead and
eye regions
* V2 (maxillary) maxillae, nose,
palate regions
* V3 (mandibular) lower jaw, skin
of this region, muscles of
mastication (chewing); motor
and sensory
Describe the nerve involved in motor innervation of the muscles of facial expression
(1) Trigeminal (CNV)»_space;>
Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1)
Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
Mandibular nerve (CN V3)